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  1. I

    New dad from phoenix.

    Hello, my name is Bryant. My wife Amanda and I just signed up our daughters (2 and 3 yo) for their first classes. Neither of us know anything of the sport, but we would very much like to be involved as much as we possibly can. I just separated from the Air Force last october and moved to phoenix...
  2. C

    Parents Dad of a young gymnast has a question

    Thanks to all that share opinions, suggestions & their experience regarding my question. My girl is seven, just was moved to Level 5 after excelling at Level 4 (excelled at states and regional meets) in the fall. I know nothing about Gymnastics and she loves it beyond belief (dedicated smart...
  3. S

    Gym dad

    Hello all, I am a gym dad. My daugher, Shelby, just turned 7 years old. She is on a competitive team in Southern IL. She absolutely eats, breaths, and lives gymnastics. I love this site. Seems like a lot of good information and a lot of friendly people. I look forward to hearing from...
  4. M

    Parents Warning: Proud Dad w/ pictures!!

    So I mostly just lurk and read as I try to learn more about this whole gymnastics thing. But I have to share these pics. Link Removed :D
  5. P

    Dad is doing gym!!!

    Ok. I work in a gym that's also in a dance studio. Every year we have "Dance/Gym with me daddy" week. All of the dads get to come do dance and/or gym with their child for the week. SO MUCH FUN!! I have been waiting on this week since August! The dads are so funny & they will try pretty much...
  6. Tim_Dad

    Parents Dad's turn to gloat.

    Nastia had her Fall Missouri/Ill State Amerikids L3 finals Saturday. Vault 9.200 (2nd) Bars 9.00 (3T) Beam 8.90 (3rd) Floor 9.05 (2nd) AA 36.150 (1st) Consistancy is definately improving. Even though she scored higher in beam and bars before, her vault and floor have increased by .60 each...
  7. D

    New Gym Dad

    Hi from Montreal, Canada You have a great site here. My daughter is 6 years old and she has been in gymnastics for 3 years. She loves it so much that I needed to educate myself on safety measures, because she is always wanting to practise at home with me. She is presently Defi 2, which I...
  8. Tim_Dad

    Parents ok... dumb dad question number #27

    Here goes. In the upper levels of our club, all the girls wear these elastic bands around thier waist or hips. Apparently it's a mandatory thing. When I asked my wife about them, she said: "They are supposed to help against jelly bellies". So...being the whitty-guy I am, I OF COURSE had to...
  9. K

    hello from a gym dad!

    Hello, I'm a very proud father of a level 6 gymnast. I love the sport of gymnastics and love watching our girls in our gym compete. We have just returned from Wichita, KS after watching our gym's only level 9 compete in the Level 9-10 regionals. She had a rough day and did not qualify for...
  10. bluefeet

    Intro - Dad & Rookie Coach

    Hello everyone, I've been a dedicated gym dad for almost 12 years now. My daughter Stephanie will be L8 USAG next season. After years on the side lines, I recently stepped over the ropes. I'm a month old, rookie bars coach for our L1-L4 junior trainers. It has been an absolute blast. I'm...