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  1. M

    WAG Any exercises to help arched back?

    I'm going to try to do a search, but offhand is there anything that can help with an arched/curve back? One of DD's coaches mentioned that she foresees big deductions on flat back vault and floor. We actually have started trying more handstand exercises against the wall and holding handstands...
  2. E

    Parents Exercises to improve arm strength

    Dd has been told that she needs to build up strength in her arms to help her with her bar routine as she cannot swing very much before her arms give way
  3. H

    WAG Back handspring exercises

    Hello! I've been working on my back handspring for like two years and I still can't do it by myself. Since I am tall and not light like the little girls, I absolutely need the help of one particular coach that is able to lift me. So I really want to know exercises that I can do by myself and...
  4. sbonham

    MAG New Instructional Video - Men's JO Compulsory Exercises - Arabesque

    I've just completed and uploaded an instructional video on the Arabesque - a skill included in the 2013-2016 JO Compulsory Exercise on Level 3, 4 and 5. Guys have a lot of trouble mastering this skill. It's all about STABILITY. Learning to stabalize all segments and maintaining that...
  5. E

    Coaches What are some good upper body strength exercises to do at home?

    my daughter needs help with her upper body strength. Her free hip could be better and she could work better on the uprise and giants if she did more exercises at home. What exercises would you as coaches recommend? She has always been weakest on bars. thanks..
  6. S

    Coaches Exercises to help level 2 dd

    Hi Coaches, Ok so my 7 yr old daughter just joined level 2 team. She's doing ok but having trouble on what seems to be a pretty simple skill. But I have no idea how to help her get it. In the level 2 beam routine, they swing their leg over and then tuck legs up, straighten one leg out and then...
  7. J

    Parents Home conditioning exercises

    Is it safe for my 6 year old to do some conditioning exercises at home? If you had read my previous thread you will know that I was going to speak to the head coach about possibly moving my dd up. I have decided against this at the moment. My dd is keen to work at becoming stronger and more...
  8. DND

    Exercises for tri's and bi's

    The other thread about presses and rope climbing got me wondering.... What exercises would you suggest for 8yo who seems to have good strength for presses and cannot rope climb well at all. I would assume it would be work on her biceps and triceps, but should a child at that age be using...
  9. canada_gymnast

    Warm up games/ exercises for Toddlers?

    Ok, So I'm a CIT at my gym, and I'm now assigned to do the Parent and Toddler Class (Like mommy and Me classes) Warm up. The kids are ages 2-3, and I'm stuck for new ideas on games and exercises for the little ones. So far, we've done making pizzas in straddle sit, animal walks, basic head...
  10. G

    Exercises/drill at Home for DD bent elbows?

    Looking for any exercises to do at home for my almost-7-year-old DD for bent elbows. She is extremely stong - huge arm muscles - but always has bent elbows on handstands, back handspring, and bars. Coach mentioned that it could be that she is so strong in her biceps that she has always relied...
  11. S

    Flexibility exercises

    So I quit gymnastics about a year ago, however I am still VERY flexible, and I also do cheerleading. However, I was wondering if there were any flexibility "goals" I could accomplish? I am really flexible and I would like to see how much more flexible stuff I could actually do. Just so you know...
  12. marie83

    Your 5 top tips/exercises for cast to handstand

    Hi, I'm struggling to get my gymnasts to cast to handstand at the moment - they are just beginning however, so I know I have to be patient I thought it would be helpful for me and others if you could post your top 5 tips for getting that handstand, as I'm currently struggling for ideas! I've...
  13. T

    MAG conditioning exercises for biceps/triceps/shoulders and planche

    I'm not the tallest but I am rather tall for a gymnast. I am 5'8 and a half. I am 16 years old, competing as a 15 year old. All my muscles are pretty dense, but my arms aren't very big. My back is descent sized, and my core is good. I work out around 25 hours a week but I feel like whatever I...
  14. V

    Shoulder Flexibility Exercises

    My DD is a rising level 5 gymnast (hopefully, :)). Her coaches say she is the strongest athlete on the team (speaking from purely a muscular point of view), and she excels at skills and events requiring strength (bars/vault). However, they think she needs to work on her shoulder flexibility as...
  15. H

    Toddler exercises

    Hi! This is the first time I have posted and am looking for some advice for my toddler. She just turned two and I believe has some natural ability. When she was about 1 1/2 she climbed on her small kitchen (only about 3 in wide and about 2 ft off the ground) she walk it like a balance beam with...
  16. S

    strength/flexibility exercises for 5yo?

    I have a 5yo boy in a 'boys beginner' class at our local gym. They are learning extremely basic MAG skills. He is the smallest in his class, but has good focus and gives it a great effort. He wants to "get stronger and more stretchy." Forgive my vocabulary, I come from ballet and...
  17. C

    Confidence/Team Building exercises

    I put this here in hopes that everyone with ideas would share: I coach in a small compulsory/preteam program. The good part of this is my girls know each other (and fortunately, really like each other). The bad part of this is the psychological Thing of going to a meet and being all OHMIGOSH...
  18. MdGymMom01

    What are some good leg strengthening ballet exercises?

    Hi All!! Ballet classes started for Dani and this year she is in a more advanced class. Her teacher says that her flexibility is great but she needs to work on her leg strength. She showed me a quick exercise to do with the rubber thera-bands that involved turning the foot out. Do any of you...
  19. M

    exercises for arms muscles and lats for learning kips

    My DD is trying to learn her kip. Her coach says that she isn't strong enough to do this skill yet and said she needs lat strength. She wants to get stronger but when I looked on the internet for exercises all that I could find were with weight equipment. I have some therabands at home she can...
  20. H

    Boys L5, L6 handstand exercises?

    As I mentioned in another thread, my boy will probably be moving up from L4 to L5 or maybe even L6 pretty soon. All in all, I think he's ready. This weekend at home, he actually made it all the way through the L6 mushroom routine. My concern is for his handstand. Never been a strong point...