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  1. G

    Hand E Balm Question

    Im thinking about purchasing hand e balm. What does every one think of it? Link Removed All opinions welcome:)
  2. M

    Parents Hand pain

    Hi, I am new to the group. My daughter just moved to L5. Last week she started to have pain on the top of her hand, but had full movement of her hand and wrist with no pain, unless you pushed on it or she tried to hang from the bar. It swelled the next day, so she had x-rays done, which did...
  3. K

    Back hand spring questions?

    Okay so I have been doing my b.handspring all season but now my coach finds that she wants me to perfect it. I have slightly bent arms when I do them and she says I need to keep them straight...Well I try it and I do something bad to my left elbow!:( She also says I'm going too slow. I speed...
  4. I

    Hand placement on beam

    What is everyone's opinion on proper hand placement on back walkovers and back handsprings on the balance beam? What are the advantages or disadvantages any of them?
  5. T

    Front Hand Spring

    Hello, I was hoping that some of you would be able to give me some pointers for DD to work on her front handspring. Right now she lands with her legs apart and bent (kinda looking like a frog). Do you know of any pointers or drills or ANYTHING at all that she could work on to correct it...
  6. L

    Round-off Back Hand Spring

    My dd is 5 years old. She is very close to getting her round-off BHS on floor. She is currently on level 3 team and only practices skills that are actually in the level 3 routines. She was previously in a preschool class at the same gym where they spent a lot of time on round off BHS. She...
  7. K

    Coaches BackHandSpring hand position?

    On backhandsprings, should the hands be facing inward (fingers pointing together) or backward? I heard from another coach that it's better for them to point inward to prevent elbow hyperextensions -- is that true? The only time I've ever had my hands pointed inward was on a...
  8. M

    Coaches Help for her hands!!!

    My dd is training alot of giants, clear hips etc, and her hands are on fire after she is done! She does not have a rip, but the calluses are huge, and I am afraid she will have one soon. Any tips on how to deal with calluses would be helpful too! Thanks in advance :)
  9. M

    Parents Help for her hands!!!

    My dd is training alot of giants, clear hips etc, and her hands are on fire after she is done! She does not have a rip, but the calluses are huge, and I am afraid she will have one soon. Any tips on how to deal with calluses would be helpful too! I am going to post this in the coaches area as...
  10. gymjourneymom

    Tiger paws vs Golden Hands wrist supports?

    I'm actually posting this for a friend at our gym...her DD(level 7 training 8) has been to hand specialist & is in PT. She knows of the 'whole wrist supports leading to weak wrist' theory. But after much evaluation & discussion....wrist supports are what have been recommended for her DD. Now the...
  11. C

    Coaches Gymnasts sweaty hands and feet

    On our team we have a gymnast who has EXTREMELY sweaty hands and feet. It is so bad that if she stands on the mat in one place to long she leaves a puddle. The problem is on bars. We always have her put chalk on before her turn and even sometimes in the middle of her turn but after doing one...
  12. xstitchcarina

    Parents dd's roll on beam without hands video

    I quickly made a little film of her doing a few rolls and summersaults on vault just now. So I will see if I can remember how to put it right in this post. It is a shame I didn't get her cartwheel this time, but she can do that on beam too. She started learning that last Summer, when we trained...
  13. G

    Coaches Hand & Foot Placement on Beam for Backsprings & Cartwheels/Roundoffs

    My opinion of the hand placement on beam. Backsprings...hands should be placed one behind the other but am not sure if the feet should correspond with hands or be opposite or together. Cartwheels/Roundoffs...hands should be in a "T" position. Any opinions on this from coaches is...
  14. G

    Need Advice for Sweaty Hands and Feet!

    Any ideas?
  15. Geoffrey Taucer

    Coaches Hand slide on blind change, front pirouette

    I've been looking at pirouetting giants, and I've noticed that I do something on my blind changes and pirouettes that I've never seen anybody else do. When I do blind changes/pirouettes, I slide my hand (the one that remains on the bar) over, so that I finish with my hands in the same place...
  16. maddiekate

    Backwalkover hand placement

    I can get my hands together, but i just can't get them in the right position. I'm just trying it on one of those flexible beams things, but i can't seem to get to get them in the right place. I guess i'm not really sure exactly how to put them, so i just dont. How exactly should i put my...
  17. I

    Coaches Hand Placements on vault

    Hi Chalk Bucket: A few coaches at my gym and myself were discussing where a gymnasts hands should be on the vault table, during a handspring front tuck. My opinion is that they should be closer to the front. (about right after where the curving starts to end) Other coaches thought more...
  18. Geoffrey Taucer

    Coaches Fixing hand position in BHS

    One of my girls who has been doing backhandsprings for awhile (like, at least three years -- she's got her tuck and her layout -- though the layout could use some work) always does them with her hands turned out. I'm trying to teach her to tumble with her hands turned in, but having...
  19. G

    Off Topic Grips for tiny hands

    Looking for any help in picking out a brand of grips for my daughter and friends. My daughter is starting her second year level 5 and has been told that they need grips in two weeks. She just turned 7 years old and has little hands. My older daughter didn't have to have grips until she went...