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  1. gymnast98

    101 ways to mount a beam

    These are just amazing!!! The Mount That Dare Not Speak Its Name - YouTube
  2. L

    Deduction for level 5 beam mount

    Hi - My DD has been suffering from Osgood Sclatters in her knees for over 4 months and it is pretty bad. She still goes to practice every day, but has had to modify her workout. Minimal tumbling, not much running, no deep bending. So, she has not done her level 5 beam mount (legs in V, to feet...
  3. flippin out

    WoW!! LOVE Laura Edwards new beam mount!!!

    I just had to share this video of Laura Edwards (GBR). This beam mount is VERY cool!
  4. GetaGrip

    Value and Bonus for Beam Mount

    I am competing level 8 again this year, and having most of my skills on beam at this point I've had some time to mess around with mounts. One mount that I've found pretty interesting/fun is the Silvias (jump to chest stand, 1/1 spin on neck/shoulders), only I jump to chest stand immediately and...
  5. T

    MAG ideas for a pbar mount?

    I'm somewhat tall 5'10 and iI'm pretty good at the tippelt tap but i cant pike down at the end because I hit the ground. And moy's are difficult for me because when i go down my legs are bent and when i open them they fly right up. Since I am pretty flexible this season I did a straddled side...
  6. T

    Level 7 beam mount

    Is it worth doing a press handstand mount vs something safer? Dd coach wants her to do this in her routine and someone said it was a too risky to chance a fall for a mount.
  7. M

    "B value" mount

    Can anyone tell me what is a B value mount for the beam according to the FIG code?
  8. X

    Acceptable 8 bars mount.

    I was just curious if Jump with Bent Hips to Handstand 1/2 turn is an acceptable mount for level 8 and if the 1/2 then counts as the pirouette? It was a B but, I am not sure anymore. Thanks hope someone can help.
  9. lccmac

    Level 5 Beam Mount

    My dd is a first year level 5, and is half-way through her season. She really struggles with the mount on beam, and I am hoping for some advice or excercises she can do at home to help. From what I can see, after her v-sit, she puts her left heel down on the beam to stand up. It makes more...
  10. GetaGrip

    Interesting mount

    I've just started level 7, and I need to choose a beam mount. I heard that you can do a front walkover up onto the beam in a weird way. I'm not sure how to explain this, but this is how it goes. You do a handstand on a spring board and put your back onto the beam in an arch position. Having a...
  11. G

    Level 8/9 Beam Mount

    My DD competed Level 8 last and her beam mount was some kind of swing onto beam, never could find it in the code of points, but I believed she got credit for an A element. This year I heard that beam mounts will have to be directly "out of the code of elements" to get credit. Is this true? Can...
  12. L

    Beam mount for L7?

    My DD cant decide on a mount for her beam routine and does a little "side saddle" hop up but wants something different. She is small and strong but needs a spring board for that one even. Any ideas about what some really neat beam mounts would be to give her some more to chose from and work...
  13. Invisible Duck

    new beam mount

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has every done/taught this beam mount: If you have any ideas for starting to learn it or tips on how to do it I would be very appreciative! :D Thanks! :)
  14. M

    Need Suggestions for Beam Mount

    DD#2 decided that cheer was not for her, and she started back to gymnastics in January. So far, so good with her wrist! She competed L5 last year. She has come back this year as a prep-opt, but she won't compete until next November since this year's meet season is already underway. Anyway, she...
  15. F

    Cool/Unique beam mount!

    YouTube - Gymnastics Balance Beam Mount Guide (its free jump to cross split around 50-52 seconds!) I remember finding this move first on youtube and I thought it looked really cool! Soo today I tried doing it onto a bunch of stacked mats (at beam height) and I was pretty centered, but do you...
  16. Invisible Duck

    swing to straight legs (mount)

    For next years routines my girls will need to be able to go from straddle sit on the beam and swing up with straight legs to pike stand (hands and feet on the beam). They are having a bit of trouble doing this. They can all swing up to a squat but can't do it with straight legs. I am at a bit...