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  1. skschlag

    MAG Slow/little progress

    Does your ds seem to stagnate during the season? D seems to get his routines, and just be done for the season. Progress is minimal. He doesn't really add much, or improve something, but just stays about the same. Any suggestions? He has room for improvement, but just doesn't seem to do much...
  2. Amusibus

    Parents Progress... finally

    My little 7 year old has suddenly started to acquire better form and several new skills in the last month or so, specifically her "standing up from a bridge" and back walkover. Just wondering from other parents was there an age or time when things just suddenly started to come together? Why does...
  3. kaloss

    Parents progress for 6 year old.... too soon?

    My daughter just turned 6 (yesterday) and has been in gymnastics for about 6 months. She started in level 1, then in June was moved up to "Hotshots" (I guess it's an advanced class for kids that are picking up skills faster than average). Last night, the team coach filled in for her regular...
  4. pinkos98

    WAG Making progress :)

    I got over my back walkover fear on beam!!!!!! :) now if I could only get my hands on the beam.... Sent from my iPod touch using ChalkBucket mobile app :)
  5. L

    WAG How to progress faster?

    I have my left and right splits. I am about 5 inches off the ground on middles. Its driving me crazy. What stretches should I do to get them down all the way? And I suck on bars, I know bars is all about strength, so what exercises should I do to be stronger? Thanks in advanced.
  6. J

    Parents Progress one month into development classes

    My dd (6 years old)has been going to her development class for 4 weeks now, she has got stronger and more flexible, she almost got a pullover today using a cheese block ( got all the way to the top with her feet pointing in the air and the coach caught her feet and guided her other), she has...
  7. J

    Parents Progress

    How soon did you see progress after your child started development group or pre team? My dd has made some progress after 2 lots of development class, she has made great improvements with her bridge - her arms are straight and her legs are straight and together and she can hold them for longer...
  8. magymmom

    WAG Injury update progress

    Well last night she finally tumbled on the real floor and looked really pretty good, landing her fhs-ft on her butt part of the time, she is scared of the bhs on beam of course cause that is what she was doing when she got injured she has not attempted them yet. She also was finally able to kip...
  9. N

    Age of starting team & long term progress

    Hypothetically speaking, you have an above average young gymnast who shows some talent and seems to have naturally good form. Do you think there is really a long term difference (think upper optional levels) in whether she starts team at say age 6 vs age 8? Or age 5 vs age 7? Assuming the...
  10. O

    Parents Happy progress report

    You may remember that a few weeks back my DD was having a tough time with stage fright before her last meet. She ended up having a great meet and has been progressing nicely. Last night I was discussing the summer schedule with her coach and she informed me that she thought DD was ready to...
  11. G

    13/14 year old beginner progress to level 5 in a year?

    I keep hearing about 13-14 year old who just started gymnastics and progress level 5-6 in a year. This seems amazing to me! I suppose they do this because they don't want do be in a class with 7-12 year olds. Being a late 13 year old starter and 14 years old currently in level 3. I wonder, is...
  12. MdGymMom01

    Off Topic DD's Ballet Progress Report + Video

    I thought it would be fun to share what dd has been doing in ballet so far. The classes are very small so she gets a lot of individualized attention. In this video, 2 of the the students were on vacation so it was just dd and another student. They choreographed this piece by themselves during...
  13. henrik541

    I did my first Back handspring! and other progress

    HI! So, I've been a little off from this forum, for a while. I didn't really have much to say, or at least I tought you wouldn't care. First of all, yesterday I did my first back handspring with spotter (and heaps, after that). We started yesterday only, and I can almost do them alone. I'm so...
  14. All Chalked Up

    Progress Repots mirrored from parent forum

    I figured we should have some progress reports for the gymnasts! I'll start: Right now, it's all smooth sailing. No fears and new skills are coming very well. I got my barani on the "super-duper mini tramp", back walkover on beam, RO-BHS-BT and a couple other random little things in last week or...
  15. N

    Parents Progress reports - Please share

    I love to hear how everyone's kids are doing in their progression toward the coming season, especially those that have a season starting very soon. So if you don't mind sharing, tell us when your DD/DS season starts, what level they are hoping to compete and how they are doing. I'll start...
  16. MdGymMom01

    Dani's Ballet Progress + VIDEO

    Some of you may know that my dd also does ballet in addition to the gymnastics. Her gymnastics league is just 2 days a week so it allows time for other activities, in this case, ballet! Here is a little video I put together of her doing a few combos in pointe shoes. She has been dancing en...
  17. Q

    Parents DD's BHS progress :)

    Hi there, This is a video my DD made on her backflip/BHS progress! She is a REC gymnast and taught herself this skill with coaches guidance. At the start it isn't even a BHS and looks terrible but at the end i think its pretty good!! Enjoy and sorry it's so long :) YouTube - backflip progress :)
  18. S

    Parents Liv's bar progress (L5)

    Ok so it's still undecided if Liv will be able to compete L5 in the fall or repeat L4. She is very determined to compete L5. They are still uptraining L5 and L6 skills and she seems to be progressing nicely. (but what do I know....I am just the mama!) As a matter of fact I don't think she's...
  19. J

    Parents Work in progress

    Fir those of you who like the videos. Joscelyn is working on her back tuck so I recorded it, she's not real sharp yet but she's definately determined. The new video is at my YouTube link!
  20. S

    Parents Liv's Progress...

    Well, Liv's been working very hard at the gym for the past month or so. She's determined to not be left behind by her current level 5 team members. However, they have changed her training group to include just one day with her old (now new level 5's) teammates. The other 3 days she trains...