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  1. bogwoppit

    Article- Getting past "I quit"

    A great article. I found the link on Gymnastics coaching, Rick McCharles great blog Getting Past “I QUIT” Here are the highlights, but do follow the link to read the whole article on sports girls play. PARENT TIPS FOR GETTING PAST “I QUITâ€￾ 1. Look at your child’s health. Has she...
  2. tumblerK

    quitting vs. finishing

    This is a fine distinction that was very important to me leading up to the end of my senior year of high school. I remember girls I looked up to on my team (yes, they were usually younger than me...) hit a tricky skill or loose old skills, struggle for a little while, and then just quit. A...
  3. Geoffrey Taucer

    Coaches UNGH! Why do they quit?

    (I'm mainly just venting here) SO, last summer, one of my boys (would have been a level 6 this past year) seemed to be burning out, and from talking to him it was clear that he was getting bored with compulsories. So I made him a deal; if he'd stick around, he could take the year off from...
  4. E

    Parents question about quitting

    My 4.5 year old has just started back in the last 2 months into gymnastics. He was a precocious kid, throwing cartwheels 2 years ago, etc. Enjoyed preschool gym and free play. He was kicked out of mommy and me a year early because they were afraid of liability and they wanted him in a...
  5. M

    Parents wants to quit?!

    Are any other parents and gymnasts going through this right now? My daughter told me the other night that she wants to quit. There were lots of tears. She is moving up to L5 this season, and had been training L5 for several months already (although she's had two separate injuries that have...
  6. G

    Should I quit?

    Well this last year of gym has been SO crazyy. We got new owners and new coaches and a new team. and half way through the year the old owners tried getting the gym back and just its been the longest year everrr. I dont really like my coaches or my team because my coaches make gymnastics not funn...
  7. P

    Parents My DD's whole group quit

    My daughter competed Level 4 last year and is now training Level 5. All of the girls in her level 4 group(8 girls) have now quit and moved to other gyms. Their moms were mad that they didn't move into the Level 5 group and were stuck with the horrible level 4 coach we had last year. My...
  8. nicci1999

    Quit your whining!

    I came to a realization tonight as I was driving home after practice, feeling less than satisfied with myself. I need to quite my whining. I have come damn far after only a few months of doing this, and there are so many people that are amazed by the fact that as an adult, I do gymnastics. That...
  9. T

    quit competing or not?? HELP!!!

    well i had another really terrible practice today. wanna know how i felt?? i felt like lifting up a tv, which i really cant do, and throwing it at the wall causing an electrical fire!! :mad:i know that sounds pretty strange but trust me. i was soooooo mad today, but later i actually let it go...
  10. Nightflare514

    I have officially quit gymnastics.

    The sport will always be a part of me, and it it has helped me become the fit, dedicated person I am today, but my parents and I realized it was time to leave the sport. Too many injuries, mean coaches, and I just sort of ran out of gas, unfortunately. I'll still come on ChalkBucket, of course...
  11. G

    maybe it IS time to quit

    hi everyone its Rachelle....i know that a few weeks ago i was feeling like i should quit gymnastics, wel i got over that but now since my last competition i have felt soooo sick of gymnastics.first: i will tell you about what happened at the comp: i went really bad on my routines but even...
  12. M

    Parents Another gymie quitting...

    Well, she was finally getting to move to the team program, after a lot of hard work over almost two years in rec and developemental classes. She was getting better at old skills, and getting some new ones too. Then....we get home from school last week, she has her snack, does her homework...
  13. G

    Parents They made her quit.. :(

    Well my niece has officially quit gymnastics. :( Her coach refused to let her repeat Level 5 so she could polish her skills and get back into shape after missing time last season for an appendectomy, a pulled calf muscle and a pulled groin muscle. (the last two I attribute to poor training...
  14. G

    Parents She decided to quit!

    Hi all, I haven't posted in a while. I have enjoyed reading everyones posts over the last couple of days. I guess by my title you can figure out that my dd decided to quit. I was a little disappointed but I didn't let her know that. Her decision to quit came after another injury! As i've said...
  15. M

    Parents Regarding 'Quitting Dilemma'& need some advice

    Well, dd has made her decision. She is going to compete L6 in the Fall, and then re-evaluate & decide if she wants to do a Winter season as a Prep-Opt. As you may remember, she was getting the 'quitties' in mid-June. I decided my approach, at least for a while, would be to tell her she HAD to...
  16. M

    Parents Update on Quitting Dilemma...

    Hi All, Last week I posted about my dd wanting to quit gym--saying she was 'bored' and wanted more time at home. I told her she would have to stick it out for a while. She has complied, and keeps going to gym. I have backed-off of talking to her about gym or asking any questions. Just being...