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  1. Geoffrey Taucer

    Coaches Inlocates and dislocates on rings

    Anybody have any tips or drills for getting kids to get more lift in inlocates and dislocates?
  2. ZJsMom

    MAG Rings at home?

    Does anyone have a ring setup at home? This is the only thing my ds has requested for his birthday. I'm not sure if this is a good idea and how to set them up. I saw a fitness ring set that looked good, but then I read on the site that they shouldn't be used for swinging elements. I don't...
  3. Geoffrey Taucer

    Coaches Guczoghe on Rings

    3peT9MSiZXU Anybody have any experience training this skill? I have one guy who I think could learn it, but I'm debating whether I want to teach it to him; it seems like a Guczoghe should be much easier to learn than a Yamawaki, but it also seems like it would present a MUCH higher risk of...
  4. munchkin3

    MAG L5 Grips for Rings and HB

    So when is the right time to get grips? I mean real dowel grips? DS is beginning L5 Everyone says HB grips are needed once giants start. So I can wait then? Will new grips mess up the kip? What about rings? Is there any skill where grips are needed? I am asking cuz I either get em now, or I...
  5. C

    help with rings and mushroom

    Hi This is my first post. I am a boys coach from Kalgoorlie Australia. Our club now has 24 boys ranging from Beginners to Level 6. My son is now in level 6 and I need some drills to help teach the inlocate and dislocate on rings. We are hoping to get height adjustable rings over...
  6. S

    Where can I hang rings?

    I really want to buy some gymnastic rings, but the only place I could hang them is on a tree. Could I hang them on a tree and then adjust the straps so the rings are even?
  7. Geoffrey Taucer

    Rings connection rules

    I have two questions about the rules concerning connection bonus on rings. The rules say that in order to be elligible for connection, a strength series must ascend. First question: does this refer only to the final position of the second skill being higher, or does it also apply to how the...
  8. Geoffrey Taucer

    Finally put together a rings routine

    Today was the first time I've actually done a full rings routine from beginning to end (including all the strength holds) since I stopped competing rings 6 years ago. Here's my current routine: Back uprise L-cross Press to maltese (needs work; it's a bit high right now) Lift to planche (also...
  9. Geoffrey Taucer

    Azarian on rings

    Hey, does anybody have any tips/drills for training an Azarian on rings? I'm asking this one for myself, not my kids; I want to compete rings next year, and I'd like to start my routine with an Azarian. What would be the safest and most effective way to train this skill? EDIT: video xp6RtiINBs4
  10. Geoffrey Taucer

    Coaches Double layout off rings

    I've recently started training rings again, and I'm trying to get a double layout (hardest dismount I've done before is a double tuck). I've heard some coaches say that the technique is different for a double lay than for a double tuck, but I've never heard much explanation of how it's...
  11. Geoffrey Taucer

    Training a double back off rings w/o pit rings

    I think my one level 8 guy is ready to start learning double-backs off rings, but I'm not sure how best to teach them without pit rings. When I was learning, I basically just chucked it on pit rings until it felt good enough to do it on a mat. Any pointers?
  12. I

    Cross Cables on Rings

    Does anyone remember or have any footage of the gymnast who used to do the cross cable work on rings. I believe he has passed away a while back. It may have been called a tornado, or a twist out?
  13. Geoffrey Taucer

    Honma on Rings

    One of my guys (going level 8 next year) wants to learn a Honma on rings (forward roll from swing to support). I've never done one myself, and I'm not really sure how to teach it. Anybody got any good drills or tips? FrObewuCXh0
  14. J

    Coaches Back uprise on Rings

    I have an athlete that seems to have excellent swings on Rings, but struggles with the back uprise. I have tried to correct his back swing by creating a fast turnover with shoulders down, then pulling the rings down and straight out to raise the chest. The introduction of the new technique has...
  15. B

    High bar grips on rings

    Wanted to know any feelings on wearing high bar grips for rings. I have known many gymnasts in the past who have worn them on rings, many of whom swung very well. Any comments? Obviously the dowel would be smaller, but I did lock arms in small dowel ring grips quite comfortably...
  16. JBS

    Valeri Liukin 1987 gymnastics worlds-still rings

    icNfTKpSE24 Valeri Liukin 1987 gymnastics worlds-still rings