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  1. bogwoppit

    Olympic Trials Broadcast Schedule

    Link Removed U.S. Olympic Trials - Gymnastics Airdate Time Network Men's Gymnastics Saturday, June 21 4:30-6 p.m. ET NBC Women's Gymnastics Saturday, June 21 8-10 p.m. ET NBC* Women’s Gymnastics Sunday, June 22 7-9 p.m. NBC Women’s Gymnastics Sunday, July 6 12-2 p.m. ET MSNBC^ ^...
  2. A

    Parents Regional Schedule

    So Level 10 Region 8 Regionals is in two weeks. Exciting. Bought plane tickets last night. We leave Thursday for AL from FL..DD competes Sunday 4/20 at noon. 37 level 10's in her age group and I know the FL girls are stellar. Wish us luck!
  3. gymgymgymnast08

    CHRISTMAS Schedule!

    Happy Holidays Everyone! Because of the holidays, gymnastics is obviously on a different schedule. I am going to be so bored without gymnastics these couple days, so I will probably get out my beam and have my own little practice! Anyone want to join? LOL! I have 5 hour practices on thursday and...
  4. Blackie6

    Parents Got our schedule for States

    My daughter has an 8am session for 6 yr old group level 4 States! YIKES! I knew it would come eventually, we were lucky twice before for other meets, but not sure how to do this now for the one big important meet. I'm not sure it's worth getting a hotel for. It's only about 1 to 1 1/2 hrs away...
  5. G

    wcsn "tv" gymnastics schedule

    the gymnastics "tv" schedule on for the world championships is now online: Link Removed .