Went to the Elite session tonight! Here's some video I got :) My personal favorite is Rebecca Bross' Beam routine. I didn't film Vault or UB, sorry :(
Rebecca Bross Beam:
YouTube- Rebecca Bross Beam
Rebecca Bross warming up:
YouTube- Rebecca Bross Beam Warmup
Have any of you (or your children/gymnasts) ever gone to this camp? I was looking at it because it costs just about the same amount as the college camp that is nearby. However, I could not find much info about it. If you/ your gymnast went, did you/they enjoy it? Would they go again...
Wow, just read some interesting news about a very promising gymnast (whose Mom has posted on CB) moving gyms. See link below to 'Inside Gymnastics Magazine' online!
I wish this family all the best, and am glad to hear they are in the D/FW area. :)
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