Hi, I’m after some advice and clarity … my 13y daughter is a gymnast and a coach at a local gym. She coaches and has her own lessons 4 times a week … when she wanted to coach they put her off saying she was too young and had to wait until she was in secondary school…which she did but then more and more coach where being used who were not in secondary … when this was brought to the gyms attention they said it was because of her focus and could injure someone.
They recently asked for coach’s for their day camp which of course my daughter offered to do … I have again received a reply saying they don’t think she is ready for a full day coaching due to focus … and even though she is great at coaching still needs prompting to focus.
My daughter is offering her day to help the gym out but keeps getting shut down ….. no one has approached me to say she is lacking focus before this recently ?
My daughter is becoming more aware that her adhd is stopping her from doing something she loves… it’s heartbreaking to watch especially when the rest of her friends are doing it …
Do you think they could of been more inclusive and say yes to her but she would need some breaks or get her to help with moving the equipment around etc ?
They recently asked for coach’s for their day camp which of course my daughter offered to do … I have again received a reply saying they don’t think she is ready for a full day coaching due to focus … and even though she is great at coaching still needs prompting to focus.
My daughter is offering her day to help the gym out but keeps getting shut down ….. no one has approached me to say she is lacking focus before this recently ?
My daughter is becoming more aware that her adhd is stopping her from doing something she loves… it’s heartbreaking to watch especially when the rest of her friends are doing it …
Do you think they could of been more inclusive and say yes to her but she would need some breaks or get her to help with moving the equipment around etc ?