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Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry I have been a bad poster but the girls have been running me ragged. Let's start with.......................

Made it to States!!!!!!!!

Two weeks ago I thought Cate was going to do it but....bars. She started off the meet on beam. Normally a good event but she was wobbley and the beam was very high. Her lowest score up to now was in the high 8's but that day it was a 7.9. Ok, on to floor. She has been working on "selling" her routine and this time she rocked it. No big mistakes, had lots of fun and got a 9.3.

Mom's a little more relaxed now, and it's on to vault. Those of you who know us know Cate has always been a strong vaulter, and today she came through again, another 9.3!

So on to the dreaded bars, she only needed a 8.0 to qualify for states and the scores have been generous so should be no problem, right? Well warm-ups look good and then the real thing......she falls on her squat on! Hasn't done that since level 5, still the rest of the routine looked good, fingers crossed........7.9. Aaugh!!!!!!! I was so proud of her for coming back from the disappointing beam score, but it was hard on her. Still she placed twice and came home with some medals and finally she realized that she could do it.

So this weekend we go to IGI. Lots of problems with getting our start times because I guess we registered late, Didn't find out until wednesday night that we had a 12:30 friday start time. Luckily Cates school has been trained well about gymnastics, and we have another gymnast from our club there too, so no stress at school at least. But the competition is always pretty tough. Had a great start time though it's about an hour 15 minues from home to downtown Chicago so we didn't have to stress about rush hour and due to the late regisration and injuries only Cate and one of her best friends were competing in this session, the rest are going Sunday at 5.

Cate starts out on bars, I think I was happy but knew this would set the tone for the day. She does her best and gets a 8.2! Woo-woo great start and the worst is over.

Onto beam, I had been watching the scores and they seemed low. She completed her routine no big mistakes, some wobbles, coach was almost wanting to spot her, came away with a 8.4, good enough to place 10th.

Now her best events. She's the last one to go in her flight and wouldn't you know it the head judge came up to dispute a previous score right before it's her turn, so she is waiting and waiting .....finally her turn and her music won't work. No problem, she runs to her bag to get a second CD and believe it or not that one starts and stops too!!! Coach tells them to turn it off because it trys to play again and stops and she just goes. I think it was wonderful, since I don't see practices I was so impressed at her artistry! What a difference and then the score, 9.125! Great score at this meet!

On to her last event, vault, she needs a 8.75, should be no problem, right. Her vaults look real good, they were too far away so I couldn't get it on tape, but after she goes, the judges are in conference. Never know if thats good or bad, but this time when the score comes up its a 9.225.

Bars no place
Beam 10th
Vault 4th
Floor 1st..yes we have a floor champ!
AA 34.95 11th

Now we have 2 more meets before states, just to work on things. She is so happy, and her coach caled the gym last night whaile her team was practicing, and they all cheered to find that she qualified.

Thanks for all your best wishes through'll never know how much it meant!
Yay, she made it to STATES!!!! That is so awesome. SOunds as though she's a very level headed competitor with a good sense of goal setting. Hope she enjoys her two meets before States, nice to have the pressure of qualifying gone!
WAY TO GO CATE! That's awesome, that she qualified!

Now she can relax a bit and just have a blast for the last 2 meets!

Canadian gym mom
Congratulations to your DD! That is so wonderful! It is so nice when they are rewarded for all their hard work. Congrats!
Wow, that is awesome that she made it to states and a pretty darn good AA at that 2nd meet too!!!:D
Congrats to Cate! IGI Floor Champ! WOO HOO.

We were at the meet as well, it was a fun one...
Congrats Cate floor champ!!!That is great she qualified for states and with 2 meets left now she can have a lot of fun at the next 2 meets without the stress of qualifing.
Congrats on making it to states and being floor champ! Woo hoo!
She must be riding on cloud 9! :cloud9: Good for her. Congrats all around!:applause:

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