2009 TOPs results

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(Wanted to duplicate from elite forum :D )

Are out... sooo start spilling! Who made it to National testing?

Not sure about 10 & 11 yr old, but 7/8 yr old diamond level was raised to 77 this year from 75 (2008) & 9 yr old was raised to 69 this year from 62 (2008). Huge leap, must be a ton of talent out there :)

Congrats to the gymmies that made it to the national testing and Best of LUCK!!
Our gym had 4 girls qualify for national testing and one 8 yr old make diamond. We are very excited about the excellent showing for our gym.

3 of the 4 who qualified will be making the trek down to Houston including my own DD :):) who scored 77.

She is very excited that is was made official today. A lot of the girls at the gym were excited for her and the other girls as well

Looking at hotels and flights now...
AWESOME! What an exciting time it will be for your daughter!! Great big congrats goes out to her and her teammates! They are all amazing ;)

I swear by hotwire & Southwest ding! GL on getting airfare/hotel and super great BIG wishes to the girls at Nat testing! :D
AWESOME! What an exciting time it will be for your daughter!! Great big congrats goes out to her and her teammates! They are all amazing ;)

I swear by hotwire & Southwest ding! GL on getting airfare/hotel and super great BIG wishes to the girls at Nat testing! :D

Thanks for the compliments. Do you have a gymmie that did TOPs testing? If so, how did she do?
Our gym had 4 girls qualify for national testing and one 8 yr old make diamond. We are very excited about the excellent showing for our gym.

3 of the 4 who qualified will be making the trek down to Houston including my own DD :):) who scored 77.

She is very excited that is was made official today. A lot of the girls at the gym were excited for her and the other girls as well

Looking at hotels and flights now...

Congratulations to your daughter and her teammates! WOW! What a showing!
Thanks for the compliments. Do you have a gymmie that did TOPs testing? If so, how did she do?

You are welcome - they are well deserved. :) My dd did test, and made Gold(she is testing as an 8 yr old). We are very proud, she really started training off and on in May, and then started real training mid-June so I think Gold is super for such a short time ... it was unexpected:D

We also had 2 girls that qualified for Nationals! So proud of them :)
You are welcome - they are well deserved. :) My dd did test, and made Gold(she is testing as an 8 yr old). We are very proud, she really started training off and on in May, and then started real training mid-June so I think Gold is super for such a short time ... it was unexpected:D

We also had 2 girls that qualified for Nationals! So proud of them :)

Congratulations!! So what does that mean that she made Gold? Is there anymore testing for her, or not until next year?
Iggy-congrats to your daughter for making national testing!! how exciting for her and her teammates.

Ingymmom-already told you, but tell A how proud we are of her. Abby thinks she rocks.
You are welcome - they are well deserved. :) My dd did test, and made Gold(she is testing as an 8 yr old). We are very proud, she really started training off and on in May, and then started real training mid-June so I think Gold is super for such a short time ... it was unexpected:D

We also had 2 girls that qualified for Nationals! So proud of them :)

That is excellent Ingymmom. She should be well prepared for next year. My daughter's biggest concern now is the skills part of the testing. She is working overtime to get her skills ready to go...

How old are the 2 that qualified from your gym?
Iggy and Ingymmom...CONGRATS to both of your girls! How exciting for both of them and something they will remember for a lifetime! Best of Luck to both of them!!
Congratulations!! So what does that mean that she made Gold? Is there anymore testing for her, or not until next year?

Thank you :) Nope, testing ends here for the 7/8 yr olds. They can only test for bronze, silver, gold or diamond. The diamond level allows the coach to travel to the Training Camp, but not the gymnast.
That is excellent Ingymmom. She should be well prepared for next year. My daughter's biggest concern now is the skills part of the testing. She is working overtime to get her skills ready to go...

How old are the 2 that qualified from your gym?

Sending skill wishes her way for whatever she is perfecting... the 2 girls that qualified are 9 & 11. The 9 yr old will do awesome, but the 11 yr old is still working on certain skills as well.
Sending skill wishes her way for whatever she is perfecting... the 2 girls that qualified are 9 & 11. The 9 yr old will do awesome, but the 11 yr old is still working on certain skills as well.

I glanced at the 11 yr old skills the other day and as brutal as the 9 and 10 yr old skills are, the 11 yr old ones are a ton worse..

My DD spent all of her private yesterday working on vaulting. She hasn't really worked on her bhs vault because she hasn't had to. She has got some work to do and she was a little discouraged yesterday when she couldn't get it without a spot. She will try again today...:):)
I glanced at the 11 yr old skills the other day and as brutal as the 9 and 10 yr old skills are, the 11 yr old ones are a ton worse..

My DD spent all of her private yesterday working on vaulting. She hasn't really worked on her bhs vault because she hasn't had to. She has got some work to do and she was a little discouraged yesterday when she couldn't get it without a spot. She will try again today...:):)

Tell her to relax, and don't stress too much - she still has a few more weeks :) If it came to a spotted vault, no worries there either, there will be plenty of girls testing with spots on some of the skills. Xing fingers that she just has a really great experience :D
Finally got our results! Naomi is not going to TX, but she is did make it to the Silver level for 10 year olds. She is disappointed, but I'm proud of her. I have no idea what her overall score was. Does anyone know what the cutoff was?
Finally got our results! Naomi is not going to TX, but she is did make it to the Silver level for 10 year olds. She is disappointed, but I'm proud of her. I have no idea what her overall score was. Does anyone know what the cutoff was?

I believe the cutoffs were:

9 yr old - 69
10 and 11 - 70

The 9 yr old score really jumped up from the cutoff score of 62 for last year...
In Australia some gyms do 'profile' testing or 'conditioning testing' to assess the strength and flexibility of the gymnasts - it has many of the same elements as TOPS testing but is used by the coaches more to identify deficiencies in conditioning training and chart gymnast's progress.

My DS is tested 3 - 4 times a year using the MAG 10-11yr old profile test developed by Australian Institute of Sport. DD is also tested on the same strength and conditioning as TOPS but with some extras added in by her coach. There is no specific preparation for it though - testing is usually just a surprise addition to normal training! The results are similar, points given according to number of press to handstands, kip casts, rope climb etc. and the gymnasts can see their progress after each test.
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