2013 Nationals results

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Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Link Removed All results are now posted for Nationals. Some great results.
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Also, are the T&T results up? I have two friends who competed & I'm antsy to know the results!!
For our gym, eight is a lucky number. We had two girls there, and both came in eighth!

bog, I finally figured out the live streaming.... My issues went way when I put down my iPad and went to the computer :)
Mine was better on the pc too. But then I wanted multiple screens so I could see everything. Good job nobody could see the set up I had!!
Do you think they will fix the Novice 13 -15yo? It goes to the mens high bar....
Yes they will, but the results have been pathetically slow in coming up. Really no excuse for it in this day and age. Especially at this level where parents might be waiting to see.
Hope so, that is one of our club's groups. They did an interesting thing. She was to compete on bars, and they waited due to the sun coming in and she couldn't see the bars. Eventually she went...... Then she competed again an hour or so later after the sun changed. So wierd.
I was interested by how the bars were right in front of that huge window, it was just asking to be blinded by the sun.
Yes I guess you either have live streaming or live scoring and not both. Not sure what I think is better as on many events I have tried to watch live streaming on I get timed out or buffering and then get impatient looking for results as I end up missing who I was following.

I found when I was watching vault and it timed out that I missed the entire vault or saw them presenting to the judges only.

Nothing beats seeing it live, but I guess for many(including myself) it is costly enough to send DD and I cannot afford to come along. Maybe one per year, but that can be tough as well!

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