Anonymous (5ab9)
Hello. I have a question about whether or not my daughter should consider changing gyms. We're in a period where decision will have to be made. My daughter has spent a couple of seasons in the same level. She is currently the highest level gymnast in her gym at level 8. The coaching has been subpar, but the environment mostly encouraging and the coaches met the gymnasts where they were at and were great at building confidence and my kid has been happy. Halfway through the season the head coach quit citing differences with gym ownership. This change only effected the optional group of gymnasts. Another coach was promoted from pre team to our group. This is the 5th coaching change in 3 years, so there is no consistency. Most coaches leave because they can't work with gym's head coach/owner and are driven out. The new coach who replaced our coach is not even 20 years old and only competed to level 6. She has no real coaching experience beyond a little pre team and rec classes, but they threw her into coaching our highest levels rather than switch up groups that weren't effected by the previous coach's departure.
The issue is that we won't know if this change is permanent until well into the summer. Summer is upgrade season. My child would like to go level 9, but it is clear in speaking to this coach that she has no idea that level 9 routines require more than just hitting the basics such as connection bonuses and such. She also has no experience coaching higher level skills on bars. Last summer my child was starting paks but the coach that left was teaching her. This coach didn't have a giant when she competed. My kid has 2 years left of high school and really wants to get to at least level 9, but it seems that where we are may not get her there. Is this enough of a reason to look at other gyms? She is frustrated because she gets no feedback or critiques at practice just "good job" or "point your toes" which doesn't help her make corrections. It feels to my child that it is because the coach doesn't know what she doing and can't help her improve.
We generally get the "level" up emails in June as well as summer training groups. By then, any other gym will have had their try outs and we may miss an opportunity. I am also concerned about staying and then my kid spending all summer not doing upgrades and having to do level 8 again (for the 3rd year) because no one could help her get the skills necessary for level 9.
I would love some other opinions and insights on this.
The issue is that we won't know if this change is permanent until well into the summer. Summer is upgrade season. My child would like to go level 9, but it is clear in speaking to this coach that she has no idea that level 9 routines require more than just hitting the basics such as connection bonuses and such. She also has no experience coaching higher level skills on bars. Last summer my child was starting paks but the coach that left was teaching her. This coach didn't have a giant when she competed. My kid has 2 years left of high school and really wants to get to at least level 9, but it seems that where we are may not get her there. Is this enough of a reason to look at other gyms? She is frustrated because she gets no feedback or critiques at practice just "good job" or "point your toes" which doesn't help her make corrections. It feels to my child that it is because the coach doesn't know what she doing and can't help her improve.
We generally get the "level" up emails in June as well as summer training groups. By then, any other gym will have had their try outs and we may miss an opportunity. I am also concerned about staying and then my kid spending all summer not doing upgrades and having to do level 8 again (for the 3rd year) because no one could help her get the skills necessary for level 9.
I would love some other opinions and insights on this.