- Jan 17, 2008
- 1,325
- 6
1. Why did you choose gymnastics for your child?
- She was always a very hyper little girl. Literally Bouncing off the walls on occasion. We moved from my smaller home town to a larger town when she was 4 1/2. It was then she started doing cartwheels, handstands flipping on the couch that I knew she needed to get into a gymnastics class.
- Location. There are 3 gyms in my area, one is in a different town, one is a YMCA Program, then there is our gym. It was 5 minutes from my house (at the time, we have since moved about 20 minutes away). Turns out without knowing it, we picked the one with the best program!
- A couple things, one being just a way for her to release her energy. She was diagnosed with ADHD. This was a great way for her to learn to control her energy and emotions. I think gymnastics have been key in her not needing medication for her ADHD any longer.
- The other reason was she showed such an aptitude for it. She was in preschool class for about 2 months before they moved her to a "Petite Elite" class, for those girls that show talent for the sport.
- Oh and She LOVED IT!
- She still LOVES gymnastics. Some days more than other of course, training optional gymnastics isnt always fun or easy. But overall she loves it.
- I also love the fact that her best friends are her team mates. I think that it is vitally important that these kids are involved in something, they have common goals and dreams. My DD will be 13 this year. She knows if she decides to start making bad choices, like poor grades, Drinking, Smoking.. etc could jeopordize her career as a gymnast.
We have told DD that if you are ever in a situation where you are pressured to smoke or drink say no because your Coach will get mad. I think it is easier for kids to take then saying MOM and DAD will be mad...
5. What do you and/or your child look forward to most about gymnastics (ie learning new skills, competitions, displays, club events)?
- I like watching... LOL.. At this stage new skills are a really slow process but I like watching the development.
- I like competitions, but they make me too nervous.
- I LOVE the confidence it has brought her.
- SHE loves learning new skills. She doesnt always like perfecting the skills she has.. But LOVES new skills.
- She LOVES competition.. probably more than me.
- She loves being with other active people like herself.
- DD will never be in the olympics, but she her goal is to go to college and compete.
- I also hope she can learn life long lessons. like Time Management, Dedication, always wanting to be active in her adult years
- I love the parents! LOL I can go to the gym and visit with people I truely can call friends.
- I like that i have never heard a coach tell a kid they are too old, too big, too tall. etc. The philosphy in the gym is if you work hard, you can do it. They would rather have someone on the team that is a hard worker, in the gym when they need to even if they dont physically fit the 'gymnast' mold. Than someone with a TON of talent and the right look but doesnt want it.... I like that...
- I also like my My Daughter loves it there... That is the best reason of all