Advice for motivation during injuries

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Hi everyone, i'm sorry to ask for advice but I am struggling with a pretty on going back injury right now.

I hurt my back two years ago doing a skill on beam at the gym (sheep jump, then made it worse by doing my series with an onodi in it), and I was out 8 weeks (had an Anyalar tear.. spelling?). It healed but this March i was diving and I landed wrong going into the water and it caused the gel inside the disc of L5 to get messed up, a bone contusion, and now I found out I have a degenerative disc disease.

I have been out of the water since nationals in early August, and it's now been two months. I started physical therapy and i'm swimming a little, but I feel like it's not improving and i'm still having pain with just sitting and standing.

I had a possible shot at making Olympic Trials, but because of the injury that is realistically not going to happen this time. I just feel like my whole career for diving I have never been to a meet and been healthy, and now my coaches are trying to fix that.. and are frustrated but hoping it will improve. I'm in risk of not being able to get a good scholorship if I don't get healthy, and even a chance I may not be able to dive again.

I'm sorry if you all just feel like i'm just complaining, I just had gymnastics taken away because of all my injuries, and i'm worried about losing diving.

So if you all have any advice, thanks.
Sorry to hear about your ongoing injuries, that's horrible to hear. I've been having some serious lower back problems too, and am in sort of the same position when it comes to motivation and the physical therapy. I've found it helpful to watch videos on Youtube or anything like that of my favorite gymnast(s), it makes me want to keep with it and heal faster. And ALWAYS do the exercises your physical therapist gives you, that's the biggest part. Hopefully you'll start to feel better soon, just keep thinking of what you can do and what you want to accomplish. :)
I'm sorry to hear about your injury...that really sucks. In july I found out that I had a stress fracture in my back (L5) and I was also put in a back brace and wasn't allowed to do anything for 3 months. I know how you are feeling and I really feel for you. What really helped me while I was out, was to do things that I usually wouldnt be able to do becasue of gym. Like going on vacation or spending time with friends that dont do gym...just things like that. :)
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Thank you both for the replies. My back is tollerable for the most part and I was back to diving Januray 6th... but I got hurt again on January 7th when I hit the board and tore my LCL in my knee. I was on crutches for three weeks but am off now, It's feeling a lot better and i'm excited to start training when I can. I go back to the doctors for my knee on wed, and i'm a bit nervous.. and sad I have to miss the next meet.

I was going to ask if anyone knew any good conditioning to do while I was waiting like abs and such that shouldn't hurt my knee (i can walk and all that and it's fine so it's not too bad)... I've been around both gymnastics and diving so I know quite a bit of conditioning but am beginning to get bored with it. So any ideas are welcome.

Thanks to everyone for the support!

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