WAG Advice on Progressing ?

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Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Okay I have a long story but in a nutshell here it is:

I did gymnastics, quit, and now I'm back! I started again on January 10th, at level 1. Now, at February 17th, I'm training level 4 skills. At my gym, team starts at level 7. I do gymnastics 3 days a week and tumbling 3 days. I condition every day at home for about 2-4 hours. Things like handstands, handstand push ups, front walkovers, back walkovers [new addition!(:], cartwheel holds, weights (about 18 lbs on each arm), running, jumping jacks, hollow tucks, sit ups, bicycle crunches, v-ups, push ups, planks, and more.

Is there any more conditioning I could do?

Also, does anyone have any tips on back handsprings? I've just started learning them on Tumbl Trak with a spot. And back extension roll tips? I need one to move up, I just can't push up into handstand (we start with bent arms).

Sorry for the long post ! I just have so much to ask :p

Thank you all in advance !(:

**by the way I am 13
Sorry I don't have any advice for you (just a gym mom), but would like to say WOW! You are very ambitious! I hope you get the advice you need. Don't,get discouraged! Good Luck! :)
Sounds like you are really motivated and hard work. It am sure yuo will get there. Make sure your coaches know how much you want to progress. Good luck!!

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