Ages Confirmed ? !

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Moderator/Proud Parent
Aug 25, 2007
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Just found this on Fox. The Chinese Olympic team was of legal age:

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I will never believe that as long as I live. But I guess there really was no way to legally prove they weren't 16. They should just do away with the age limit if the US will be one of the few countries to follow it. They should be ashamed of themselves, but I guess they're celebrating and laughing about how they got away with cheating in order to "bring glory" to China.
I don't buy it either. I think it is a sad day for the gymnastic community.
It is one of the problems with gymnastics. The playing field is never level. You all know what I'm talking about and it begins from day 1 on team. There is favouritism, there are the kids who do tons of privates, there is the gym whose girls train up and compete way down to win, there are the known gyms who always seem to do well even when it looks as though their skills are lower than your girls. There are the level 4/5/6's who train 20+ hours a week when your gymmie can only do 12.

Then there is the highly politicized selection system for elite gym, who decides who makes it and what do the girls have to endure to see their dream, how many injuries did our Olympic Team have by the time the closing ceremonies arrived?

There just is no fair or equal, so the Chinese are just another straw on the camels back. The question is, do you let it break it, or do you keep trying to support for the love of it?

I to am saddened at the result, but to be honest I didn't think they would step in and remove medals.
I will never believe that as long as I live. But I guess there really was no way to legally prove they weren't 16. They should just do away with the age limit if the US will be one of the few countries to follow it. They should be ashamed of themselves, but I guess they're celebrating and laughing about how they got away with cheating in order to "bring glory" to China.

I agree, I will never believe it. But I also had no illusions for justice. There is just no way to prove falsification with the power of a national government behind it. They can provide any document with any data that they want and there's nothing anyone can, or will, do about it.
They closed it because they have no further proof and don't want to drag it on. I don't blame them.
I will never believe that as long as I live. But I guess there really was no way to legally prove they weren't 16. They should just do away with the age limit if the US will be one of the few countries to follow it. They should be ashamed of themselves, but I guess they're celebrating and laughing about how they got away with cheating in order to "bring glory" to China.

They may have the "glory", but there is no HONOR in their way of winning. I for one would vote for the honorable way anyday.
I don't buy it either - but then again maybe they are of age and their growth is just stunted from the training they are subjected to since they were still in diapers !!
Yup, the whole world knows they's a sad fact of life in the world in which we live. But, considering their government, those girls may not have had much of a choice but to compete. There's a great funny pic of the 2012 Chinese women's gymnast team, showing a row of 6 infants, :rotfl:It is a shame, pointed out, it certainly did not/does not bring HONOR to their country.

I thought Norm McDonald's comment on the Tonight Show during Nastia's interview regarding the judges was priceless, and definitely tied into the entire scandal as a whole....also his question to her about her being way better at age 14, hahaha! If you missed it, search youtube for Nastia on Jay Leno....great interview!

As far as I'm concerned, our Team USA Ladies were, and are, THE BEST!
I figured this investigation was to appease and would change nothing. If their ages were being backed by the government itself, there's really no higher power than that. Small time paperwork fact errors look like just that when compared to birth certs and passports and such that disagree.

I was convinced when Karolyi said they were underage. First, I don't think children are a mystery physically to any adult. For the picky people who say Asians are 'built' differently than westerners...just lol. If they had tails and growths I'd buy it, but as it is, no. Back to Karolyi being the decider for me: he's been around long enough in the sport that his international travel combined with any adults ability to observe the obvious make me believe him without a doubt.

I have nothing bad to say about a team of children who are only in a position to do as they're told. Personally I will be like a lot of other people though, who consider the U.S. team the unofficial gold winners for 2008. Too bad for China, they'll always have this scandal lurking around their win.
They may have the "glory", but there is no HONOR in their way of winning. I for one would vote for the honorable way anyday.

Communist govts don't understand any concept of honor or honesty for that matter. Only winning at all costs.

ok i am 12 and the teeth ther wear loosing in front i am loosing them to i bet they r 12. was so funny on ESPN radio after the team finals for women's gymnast (or in there case girls...) and he was like "they're so young I wouldn't be able to leave them home alone for a date with my wife. they're so young they're still losing baby teeth. they're so young they probably are still learning divison." made rofl. :D
I dont think they were the legal age. To me they didnt look a day over 13!:rolleyes:

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