I think that it varies not just girls to boys; but also by region. I know that in R8 they have a certain number of boys at each level in each state that qualify (it is a %, so states with more boys have more boys qualify). For Xcel in R8 it is a minimum AA score. For optionals girls L6-L8 it is a % (lower % at level 6 than at level 8). For L9 and L10 it is a minimum score I think. I have never heard of our region taking into consideration the scores that different girls have been getting before state.
Regino 8 does do it that way. I haven't looked into Level 6, but here's some info on 7 and 8 for sure. In my earlier reply about JO Women in Region 8, I thought both Level and 8 had
two benchmark scores throughout the season that they used, but Level 7 actually only has one. Level 8 has two (32.00AA and 34.00AA).
Here's how they do Level 7 in Region 8:
The number of gymnasts at Level 7 Regionals is XXX + all ties. The
number of team members is 64 (8 per state with 4 scores counting for
team). Each state turns in to RACC the number of Level 7 athletes in
their state with a 32.00 AA by the designated deadline. A percentage
for each state is figured for the XXX All State places.
And here's how they do Level 8:
The number of gymnasts at Level 8 Regionals is XXX + all ties. The
number of team members is 64 (8 per state with 4 scores counting for
team). Each state turns into RACC the number of Level 8 athletes in
their state with 32.00 AA and with 34.00 AA by the designated deadline.
A percentage for each state is figured for the places for the 32.00 AA number,
and a separate percentage is figured for the additional athletes at a 34.00 AA.
I'm very grateful they do it that way. We're in a strong state with a lot of talented girls. It seems only fair that states packed more densely with talent would get to send a higher percentage than those who are not. Although- those threshold scores are pretty low so I don't know that it makes a huge difference really.