Parents Am I the only one who can't watch?

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Proud Parent
Aug 16, 2017
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My dd (7) has just started flicking on the high beam apparently. I say apparently because I only watch once a month, and actually at the moment the day I can watch she only does bars and floor. So, I haven't seen it for myself, but I'm sort of not sure I want to! I'm really proud of her and the fact she can do it, and she is really chuffed for herself, but I think I'd be so nervous watching her do it in case she falls. I'd love to see a video of it after I know she's ok!! This is the first move I've felt like this about, and it's a bit unexpected. Is it fairly normal?! I'm trying to not let her see my nervousness in case it rubs off on her!
So normal! For me, this fear of watching (even practice) really kicked in when they started doing giants on bars (with both my boy and girl).

Of course at meets, I don't like to watch beam not because I fear she will get hurt, but just how easy it is to fall on the slightest mistake and have her hopes crushed. :(
I have been deliberately avoiding seeing my DD do her bhs on beam for exactly this reason! But, on Friday I got to the gym early and was chatting with another parent, when out of the corner of my eye, I watched her nail a bhs on the high beam like it was nothing. Then she did a pretty gorgeous bwobhs connection right afterward. I'm glad I didn't know it was coming because I would gave been scared . But seeing her have it so solidly I actually felt pretty comforted. Now, that doesn't mean I want to see her compete this stuff though! I get nervous every time she touches a beam at competition
Just wait until the flic lay comes into play. Sweet Jesus....:confused::eek:

I will have to stay away this summer as dd learns how to do hers. So far it's just been side aerials on a floor beam. I don't think she's even tried the flick lay yet.
Yes, sorry, bhs in the US, I forgot. I'm glad to know I'm not alone! It's just it's the first thing I've felt this way about, although I was watching an older girl do a double back on floor the other day, and was relieved that it would be a good few years before mine would go for that, if ever! I've been nervous in competitions, but never in practice before!
@Annikins DD is up training now that her season is almost over. She is doing things that scare me for the first time. It is also exciting, as her face has a huge smile every day. You are not alone.
The scariest thing I've ever seen in the gym was a kid balking on a BHS and landing on his head. Second scariest was a kid peeling on a tap swing (coach caught, thank goodness). I've also seen a few low releases on flyaways that gave everyone in the vicinity some grey hair. I don't think the skills have to be really advanced to be scary, and more experienced gymnasts are less likely to balk mid-skill.
When DD learnt her BWO on beam I wasnt to nervous until one day she came home and said "Well I split the beam today" aparently her foot didnt get on all the way or something and she fell and split the beam. It sometimes makes me glad I miss watching practice some dayso_O
No, certainly not in UK, never heard of flip-flop before!
Flip flop is not a UK thing but I have noticed we use a lot of different terms to US, a flic is a BHS, an upstart is a kip and many more.

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