Parents Another meet and downs!

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Proud Parent
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
Older DD had her 4th meet of the season this weekend. It was the Tiger Paw Classic in Clemson, SC and absolutely the coolest meet we have ever been to! The bad thing about it was, it was 4 hrs away and we got done at 7pm on SUNDAY night so we got home close to midnight Sunday and then had school and work 6 hours later!!! (this includes my 3 year old and 5 year old!):eek: Ahh, the joys of meet season. I sometimes question my sanity.

Anyway here is how it went...some good and some really bad!

First up: Bars...her best event by far and very consistent...scored a 9.3 for 2nd place!:) (darn teammate beat her again!)

Second: Beam...I was super nervous here because last week she scored an 8.25 which shocked us. She did a great, not perfect routine but waaaay less wobbles and some pretty skills...good enough for a 9.05 and 4th place!:) I was extremely proud of her for the huge improvement from last week!!! She was happy with it too!

Third....sighhhhhh...floor. Last week she did the best RO BHS of her life and had an absolutely beautiful routine. I questioned the scoring lsat week, which was a 8.950. This week...she didn't look quite the same, things not as straight and pretty...and at the end...disaster...pretty much fell on her head in the RO BHS and came off the floor crying. I thought she had hurt herself but it turned out she was just super upset. The score was 8.525 which was higher than I had expected! I am telling you, that RO BHS is the bane of her existence (and mine!). Just when I think she has it...(last week it was SO good!)...then she literally FALLS on it. It is so crazy...I just don't get it! I think she got 10th place...

Last...vault. Just okay. She got a 8.950 which is pretty much average for her. Her high on vault this year is 9.050. Just not something she shines at! I think she got 9th or 10th here too.

AA: 35.875 6th place out of 12. She was really disappointed because that floor mistake was so huge.

Here is the link to the video. I put in a lot of pre-show stuff cause it was cool:D and her vault recording is really long so I apologize in advance!:)

YouTube - Madison Tiger Paw 2/10

Thanks for reading all my babbling. We have a meet this weekend too, so I'll be babbling again soon!;) PLEASE send my poor DD some floor fairies. We will PAY for floor fairies!!!
Good job! That darn ROBHS will come. I thought her beam was nice, as were bars!
Great job!!!! Don't you love that meet. We were there on Friday morning. It is one of our favorites. Are you going to Gamecock?
Great job on those bars! They look great! I really like her split jumpa and leap on floor. That bhs will come soon. Until then, tell her just keep up the good work! Way to go!
I thought she looked beautiful on everything, even floor until that darn ROBHS. I am sending her ROBHS fairies, lots and lots of them.
The footage of the Clemson Tiger on the bars was great! The kids must have gotten a real kick out that and getting to dance with him.

Madison did a great job! I thought bars were beautiful and her beam was much improved over last time - nice and tight and no wobbling. They might have given her a fall on her ro/bhs and that would account for the low score, because otherwise it was a lovely routine. Sending ro/bhs fairies your way! I'm sure it will come soon. Good luck this weekend too!

She did a lovely job! She is full of poise! That ROBHS will get stronger soon!
I echo a lot of the same comments, bars looked great. I thought floor looked good until the.... you know... She will get it soon and then you will laugh about this...

As for the fairies thing.... Cait has a pretty good RO BHS so our fairies are pretty expensive. Plus we need to ship them from Ohio... long ride...I will tell you what I will do. If she agrees to throw up a 36 at the next meet, I will send her a few for free... Let me know what she says... :D:D

Great job!!!! Don't you love that meet. We were there on Friday morning. It is one of our favorites. Are you going to Gamecock?

Our L7's competed Friday morning too! It was our first time at Tiger Paw. SO much fun! We are going to Gamecock too...don't know our start time yet! Maybe... just maybe....we can get lucky and be at similar times and meet up!:)
I will be standing outside with a giant net trying to catch all the fairies being sent our way!!!!:D:D

I will catch all of them that I can...even the ones that are expensive, Sean!;) I will propose your offer to DD when she gets home from gym tonight!:)

It is SOOOO frustrating to watch her struggle with that thing, she hasn't missed one like that since October and the one at her last meet was so good, I thought we were past it!:rolleyes: Guess you never know, huh...???
Our L7's competed Friday morning too! It was our first time at Tiger Paw. SO much fun! We are going to Gamecock too...don't know our start time yet! Maybe... just maybe....we can get lucky and be at similar times and meet up!:)

We are going to the Gamecock Invite also. They just published the schedule last night. The L7 will be Saturday split into 2 sessions and the L4's will be Sunday morning at 8:00. We are competing on Sunday at 2:30. I hope this meet is as fun as Tiger Paw. We went last year, and the girls had a blast doing the Cupid Shuffle with the Tiger.
We are going to the Gamecock Invite also. They just published the schedule last night. The L7 will be Saturday split into 2 sessions and the L4's will be Sunday morning at 8:00. We are competing on Sunday at 2:30. I hope this meet is as fun as Tiger Paw. We went last year, and the girls had a blast doing the Cupid Shuffle with the Tiger.

Hey, thanks for the schedule info! Looks like an early start time for the L4's...yuck!:( Kiki, your DD is L5, right?
Lilly competed at Tiger Paw too. It was a lot of fun. We went last year but she had been pretty sick so we were more focused on that then fully taking in what the Tiger Paw meet has to offer. Our girls did not get to dance with the Tiger either year, but this time our boys coach (he was working the meet doing equipment set up, etc) danced Michael Jackson style with the Tiger for the crowds. We got the yucky 5PM session so we did not finish awards until just after 10PM :eek:. After dinner and 3+ hour drive, we got to bed around 2AM. I am trying to get Lilly's video done and will post her results upon completion. I will say that we left in a good mood despite the late hour :rolleyes:.....

madigym00 - We got to the meet early so I got to see Madison compete :D!!! Chris from your gym (has a L4 & L7 daughter) saw Lilly & I and stopped to visit for a bit while watching your girls compete. We met him at L4 state at your gym last year and again when our gym hosted the L5-10 state meet a couple weeks later. I thought Madison did really well. Her bars were beautiful! Beam was very nice. I must have missed the end of her floor :rolleyes: and vault. Probably was busy either talking or taking pictures of our girls before the meet - LOL.

We are doing the Gamecock too and with both L4 sessions running at the same time we will definitely be there at the same time. Knowing luck though, we will be on one side with you on the other. I am expecting it to be insane with right at 200 L4's in the 8AM-12PM sessions. Tiger Paw had just over 250 L4's but they were broken up into 3 sessions. There is also a chance we will see each other at State if the sessions line up right. We have to meet up this year!!!

And BTW... as long as the girls are not doing floor at the exact same time, she can use Lilly's ROBHS fairies. Since we will already be there you won't have to worry about the shipping charges to get Cait's all the way from OH to SC - LOL.

Sean - we might want to take you up on some of Cait's fairies in the future as Lil progresses through the levels :D.
And BTW... as long as the girls are not doing floor at the exact same time, she can use Lilly's ROBHS fairies. Since we will already be there you won't have to worry about the shipping charges to get Cait's all the way from OH to SC - LOL.

Sean - we might want to take you up on some of Cait's fairies in the future as Lil progresses through the levels :D.

Remember, you get what you pay for!! :D:D just kidding... Lil is fantastic

Cait's newest available fairies are:

FHS on beam
BHS, BHS on beam

That is it for now...

I definitely agree with everyone else here... Her form is GREAT on all of her events... UNTIL...... that darn RO BHS. She WILL get it. I know it's aggravating to watch this skill come and go, but at least it IS coming!! Soon, it will be there 100% of the time... can't wait to see it then!

And Megley is right, she lost at LEAST .5 for the fall.... maybe even more... her feet did land it, so not sure if they deducted for the skill itself, but I'm betting she lost points for form, in addition to the fall... right Meg???

Anyway, it will all come together!
I definitely agree with everyone else here... Her form is GREAT on all of her events... UNTIL...... that darn RO BHS. She WILL get it. I know it's aggravating to watch this skill come and go, but at least it IS coming!! Soon, it will be there 100% of the time... can't wait to see it then!

And Megley is right, she lost at LEAST .5 for the fall.... maybe even more... her feet did land it, so not sure if they deducted for the skill itself, but I'm betting she lost points for form, in addition to the fall... right Meg???

Anyway, it will all come together!

Thank you. I will share this and the other comments with DD. She was SO SO SO upset about falling...and so sad about her score! We KNOW she can have a great meet one of these days...we just KNOW it. Like you said, the form is there. It just all has to click on the same day!:rolleyes:
Lilly competed at Tiger Paw too. It was a lot of fun. We went last year but she had been pretty sick so we were more focused on that then fully taking in what the Tiger Paw meet has to offer. Our girls did not get to dance with the Tiger either year, but this time our boys coach (he was working the meet doing equipment set up, etc) danced Michael Jackson style with the Tiger for the crowds. We got the yucky 5PM session so we did not finish awards until just after 10PM :eek:. After dinner and 3+ hour drive, we got to bed around 2AM. I am trying to get Lilly's video done and will post her results upon completion. I will say that we left in a good mood despite the late hour :rolleyes:.....

madigym00 - We got to the meet early so I got to see Madison compete :D!!! Chris from your gym (has a L4 & L7 daughter) saw Lilly & I and stopped to visit for a bit while watching your girls compete. We met him at L4 state at your gym last year and again when our gym hosted the L5-10 state meet a couple weeks later. I thought Madison did really well. Her bars were beautiful! Beam was very nice. I must have missed the end of her floor :rolleyes: and vault. Probably was busy either talking or taking pictures of our girls before the meet - LOL.

We are doing the Gamecock too and with both L4 sessions running at the same time we will definitely be there at the same time. Knowing luck though, we will be on one side with you on the other. I am expecting it to be insane with right at 200 L4's in the 8AM-12PM sessions. Tiger Paw had just over 250 L4's but they were broken up into 3 sessions. There is also a chance we will see each other at State if the sessions line up right. We have to meet up this year!!!

And BTW... as long as the girls are not doing floor at the exact same time, she can use Lilly's ROBHS fairies. Since we will already be there you won't have to worry about the shipping charges to get Cait's all the way from OH to SC - LOL.

Sean - we might want to take you up on some of Cait's fairies in the future as Lil progresses through the levels :D.

Can't wait to see about JuJu's meet...:D:D...and I really hope I get to see you at Gamecock! We will take any and all RO BHS fairies. They may be very tired when we are done with them, though!:cool:
As for the fairies thing.... Cait has a pretty good RO BHS so our fairies are pretty expensive. Plus we need to ship them from Ohio... long ride...I will tell you what I will do. If she agrees to throw up a 36 at the next meet, I will send her a few for free... Let me know what she says... :D:D


Oh, don't listen to him! I'll send you "our" fairies for FREE! :D LOL . . .

What a cool meet! I love the tiger. And, your dd did great! Loved her bars, especially. And. she. will. get. that. RO BHS! My advice would be to encourage her to visualize it if she doesn't do that already, and then let it go! Again, she'll get it, and then she'll be stronger mentally and physically, knowing that she overcame a challenge!

The more generous half ;),
We will be in the 2nd morning session for L7 on Saturday at Gamecock. We are hoping my DD can put together 4 solid events at this meet. The 1st meet she "skipped" her front tumbling pass (messed her steps up according to her) and then at Tiger Paw she fell on her Squat on of all things. OY!! LOL!
Oh my, how cute is that Tiger on the bars...I give him a 10!

She has beautiful bars and beam! Floor, she has nice kicks and leaps...I feel your pain about the ROBHS. It took my DD a little longer than most. I thought she would never get it. I'll tell you the secret that helped her. Handstands! She started doing them all over the house on every wall. It really helped her upper body/arm & shoulder strength. The only way to get them better is to practice and practice. It will get better I promise and you'll be LOL remembering those landing on head hand springs. I look at my DD first couple meets and don't know how I didn't have the ambulance on standby with a c-collar and spine board!

Looked like a fun meet too...dancing with the tiger was cute!

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