WAG Another rip question (re: DAT stick / Dermoplast)

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Proud Parent
Feb 20, 2014
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After the rip has started to heal (no more open wound at all), but while it's still tender and making kips "IMPOSSIBLE!" (DDs word), I have heard of putting Anbesol on the hand to numb that area a little to help power through the pain. We haven't tried iet yet, as the aforementioned rip just healed over last week, and we need a chance to test it on a non-gymnastic night, and haven't had that opportunity yet.

Regardless, I was just googling, and came across DAT Sticks, with benzocaine. So then I googled benzocaine and found Dermoplast spray. Has anyone used either one of these for temporary help with the pain? The DAT sticks sound perfect, kind of like chapstick with pain reliever, but also expensive. I'd pay it if I had any knowledge that it works... Dermoplast is used in hospitals for numbing, but then I'm concerned it might be too much of a spray, and not be able too aim it at a small spot, and subsequently numb the whole hand...

Any info on these would be greatly appreciated!

I do know that it will indeed eventually heal and be forgotten. Right now, she's just moving up to L4 because she DID get her kip, but ripped that afternoon. She cannot use her grips until she can do 5 kips in a row, and she says with the pain on her hand, it's next to impossible. And this is causing a lot of angst at our house. I don't necessarily believe pain relief will be the magic cure-all, but maybe in her head it will.
it works until you take the next turn. it will get REALLY expensive if she works bars for even a half hour and takes 20 turns. lol :)
it works until you take the next turn. it will get REALLY expensive if she works bars for even a half hour and takes 20 turns. lol :)

I kind of figured, but I kept hoping that there was some magic fix ;)
Thank you!
. Right now, she's just moving up to L4 because she DID get her kip, but ripped that afternoon. She cannot use her grips until she can do 5 kips in a row, and she says with the pain on her hand, it's next to impossible. And this is causing a lot of angst at our house. I don't necessarily believe pain relief will be the magic cure-all, but maybe in her head it will.
I don't know about the products. Does she tape her hand when she has a rip? Both my kids do this, with the help of their coach. Basically, they make a grip with tape to protect the raw skin.

Grips don't prevent rips and still cause pain for the raw skin. Ds tapes his rips under his grips.
I don't know about the products. Does she tape her hand when she has a rip? Both my kids do this, with the help of their coach. Basically, they make a grip with tape to protect the raw skin.

Grips don't prevent rips and still cause pain for the raw skin. Ds tapes his rips under his grips.

She "says" she has done that ,but she says it doesn't help the pain after the rip is there. So I'm not sure exactly what the coaches have done. She tried to put a band-aid and tape around her hand, but she told me her coach said it won't make a difference.

One of the problems we are facing is that my daughter has issues with anything "new". If I were to make her tape grips for open gym, when she could just go try them on her own, without her coach and team watching, they might help. But to use them in practice with everyone, she'd rather not use them than have everyone watch her. Ugh.

I'm learning that rips are indeed something we just need to work through... :(
Hi! My dd has used tape grips (probably during kip learning time a couple of years ago) and I also tried the NuSkin stuff, but it burned on the raw skin and also came off quickly. Last year I ordered HandEBalm when ordering grips from US glove. She is getting fewer rips as she moves up in skills, but still gets them sometimes. She said this really helps and makes a difference by the next day. It is a little pricey, but I got the smallest size and it has lasted a year and she is still using it. She recently got a rip right in the middle of the palm and said it was better by the next morning.....Hope that helps!
Dermoplast spray is pretty greasy. You wouldn't want to use it at the gym. My DD uses 2nd skin squares on rips and puts tape over them and around her hand to hold them in place. Grips go over the tape so its not very noticeable.
Good luck!
Last year I ordered HandEBalm when ordering grips from US glove. She is getting fewer rips as she moves up in skills, but still gets them sometimes. She said this really helps and makes a difference by the next day. It is a little pricey, but I got the smallest size and it has lasted a year and she is still using it. She recently got a rip right in the middle of the palm and said it was better by the next morning.....Hope that helps!

I think I'll get that, just to help. Right now the frustration level over not being able to do her kip AGAIN is driving us all nuts!

Dermoplast spray is pretty greasy. You wouldn't want to use it at the gym. My DD uses 2nd skin squares on rips and puts tape over them and around her hand to hold them in place. Grips go over the tape so its not very noticeable.
Good luck!

I'll get the squares too, for future. Right now, she's not allowed to use her grips until she can do 5 kips in a row. Hence the frustration...

Thank you everyone!!!
Just another note from experience! ..... the kip seems to have it's own mind and comes and goes at will for a while! Also, when dd started with grips she had to relearn how to do it with the grips as well! Just a note to say the kip will get there and stay there at a certain point, but the road to that point can be a little bumpy! ;)
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When my one of my gymnasts was younger and had a rip she used to put a 'corn pad' on it, you know like the padded plasters you use for corns she said that it works well put it on the rip and tap up over the top!
Some of the other girls tried it an didn't like it, some did just a preference thing I think
Now they all just suck it up and train bare hands on their rips she will get used to it eventually it will just takes years of rips for this to happen :)
So her rip was just about better... last night she ripped her other hand! Will it ever end???? (yes, I'm being dramatic... I know it will.)

Just a note to say the kip will get there and stay there at a certain point, but the road to that point can be a little bumpy! ;)

I know for the back handspring, it was bumpy and now she flies beautifully through the air, I could watch her all day! So I have to have faith that this too will come ;) Thank you, though, that it's the skill, and not DD ;)

Now they all just suck it up and train bare hands on their rips she will get used to it eventually it will just takes years of rips for this to happen :)

YEARS? Oh man, I'm not sure I"ll last! LOL! I know eventually she will power through it, but she's the child that has always had trouble getting past things until she wasn't paying attention to it (bumpy socks, tag in the shirt.. until the socks were so cute that the bump didn't matter).
I figured eventually they have to just deal with it, otherwise we'd have no high level gymnasts!

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