Parents Anyone competing this weekend?

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Well we had our meet today and it was tough scoring...
Emily didn't do as well as the first meet but did pretty good except vault... She just gets killed on vault and I never get it. I always think they look better than many of the girls who end up scoring higher.
Anyway, they divided the 8 year olds into 8a's and 8b's and Emily was in the 8b category even though she just turned 8 in August... supposedly that still makes her an old 8 year old because when she gets to state in March she will be 8 years and 7 months old but whatever....
Anyway, she got
Bars- 8.9 and 1st place for her age group
Beam- 8.85 and 2nd place for her age group
Floor- 9.0 and 2nd place for her age group(lost to a the teammate, she lost to last meet(9.1)
Vault-8.65??? what the heck... didn't place at all and caused her to lose 2nd place in the all around during a tie breaker....
All Around- 35.4 and 3rd place since 2nd and 3rd tied and she lost the tie breaker to her teammate(1st place girl from other team only scored 35.7)
We are done with meets till Jan mid month and then have 3 in a row.
She was crying after bars because she didn't get as high as her last meet... I think it threw her off the rest of the meet... She is so hard on herself but really the judging was inconsistant on vault and the Bar judge was tough tough tough... girls were placing 5th with scores in the 7s so Emily did good considering the tough judging... The floor judge was very tough too...
We have 34 girls on our level 4 team and only 7 scored in the 9s...
Tumblequeensmom---sorry to hear dd was sick and hope she's feeling better very soon. A little surprised one of her coaches didn't pick up on her being sick and sit her down--especially since she had a fever. She had a great meet---congrats to her!

Melmonette---Those are really good scores. Neither one of you should be disappointed. If the bars judging was tough then you really just have to put it all in perspective. Don't know if it will help at all, but hint to dd not to look or care about numbers. Focus on how the routine went. Most of the girls can just "feel" it was a good/so-so/bad routine. Just have her concentrate on how the routines went not on the number at the end. Today was a perfect example since she didn't know it at the time, but bars was being judged low and they can never know how the other girls in their age group are doing.
As for L4 vault, I can just relay to you what I heard the judges say at our gym's recent compulsory meet, where I ended up as a scorer for 2 L4 sessions on vault. Nice strong run is important with control of the arms(not flying out in different directions). Many girls did tend to slow down as they got to the springboard---just that slight hesitation can effect the overall vault. They also want to see a straight body with legs together and toes pointed---no arching, tucking etc. Until I sat there and watched some, I didn't realize how many girls tucked their heads just a little which doesn't allow for a straight body. Out of all the girls I scored, I would say 80% were in the 8's, 5% in the 7s and the rest in the 9's.

What a tough gymnast you have!! I'm with you.... I wonder how she would have done had she not been sick. I hope she feels better soon and can kick butt at her next meet.
Tumblequeensmom ~ I'm so sorry to hear the dd was sick at her meet. Poor kid. She did pretty darned well considering!

My dd had her first meet this weekend. I cannot, after searching high and low, find my score sheet!! All I can remember is how she placed. She got 2nd on bars, 3rd on vault and 3rd on beam. Her floor routine was beautiful but her foot slipped on her handstand~bridge~kick-over and she had a problem getting back over. She scored a 7.0. Okay, she didn't have her ROBHS and she would've started at an 8.8 but I thought it was a little low. I'm not a judge so I have no clue. I also felt for her because she had to compete first on floor. The very first one of the day! But, she made it through. :rolleyes: On another good note, she and all of her teammates scored high enough to qualify for states! In PA they only need a 31.0. We still have 3 more meets before states so that takes a little pressure off.

Anyone else compete this weekend?
Congrats on all the girls scores this weekend! Sounds like everyone did an awesome job! NettyinPa, the gym that hosted the meet will probably post the scores online?? I know that's usually where I go when (happens half the time) I lose DD's scores! Usually the second day after the last meet is when they finally show up.

I'm just happy that my DD had already scored high enough at her previous meet to quaulify for Sectionals in January. Well, come to think of it, she scored high enough this last time too w/being sick . . . I guess I was thinking of our qualifying score for States, which is 33.5 here in VA.

So . . . who's up next? Our next meet isn't until January 25. First Sectional!
DD has her mock meet this weekend.She will compete Level 7.
Great job everyone:)
and thank you for the encouragement:)
Emily has been flying down the runway on vault this week because she knew her run was killing her score. Her vaults have looked great too. I think she will definitely do better at her next meet on vault if this keeps up.
Our next meet is Jan 20th... Our groups is split up since the meet is going by age groups... 6,7 and 10 and older level 4s are on an earlier session and 8 and 9 year old level 4s are in the next session. Unfortunately Emily is only going to be with 2 other girls in our session since only our level 4 stars are going and Emily(8), Sydney(9) and Maggie(9) are the only 8 and 9 year olds in that group. The rest of the 13 girls are 10 and over.
Then our next meet is the following weekend and our next is the following weekend after that.... So they will have 3 in a row and then a month off again before another 3 in March, including the state meet.
Here are the Scores from the Mockmeet.She had some Level 8 Skills evealuated.

Floor 9.2 (had 1 Level 8 Pass)
Vault 9.2 (Level 8-Piked Tsuk)
Vault 9.1 (Level 7-Fronthandspring)
Bars 8.35 (Level 7) had fall
Beam 7.9 (Level 7) first Backwalkover was shaky,tried to compensate by doing Handstand Backwalkover and fell after Backwalkover,was suppost to do Backwalkover Backwalkover.

Will post Videos on Youtube as soon I have time
Link Removed
My daughter had her "mock" meet yesterday. No scores given. It was just the optional coaches watching routines and seeing what needs "fixing" and work before the 1st meet in Jan. They did have their comp leos on and hair done as it would be for a meet. Parents did not come in to watch. The head coach will have a judge(the toughest in the state) come to watch and "mock" meet in mid Feb. He feels then they will have had a few meets under their belts and getting ready for the push to states and that's when having a judge will help them the most. Of course, my daughter was not happy with anything---coaches said she was doing quite well at this point in time and were very happy with her beam(which is surprising).
What are your level 4 stars? Do you have multiple level 4 groups--sorry if this has been asked and answered before but I am newer to the board
At our mockmeet the judges scored really hard,so the kids and coaches know what they have to work on.They also came in the day after the mockmeet to work with the judges to see how they can correct their skills to get a better score.The judges talked to them and told them what they are looking for in the routines.

DD got her first ever 1st place medal yesterday!!!

The scoring was very low on everything. As you can tell by her scores and placements;)

beam she got a 9.15 (1st)
Vault she got a 8.7 (The judge that always scores her low was on vault :rolleyes:)
Bars 8.2 (6th)
Floor 8.0(6th)

AA was 34.05 (2nd)

The level 4 team took 2nd :)
So all in all it was pretty good:D
my dd and her state meet yesterday l 3 age 7 ,she had an off day I had to wake her up in the car when we got there she had to be there at 8am the only problem she never woke up she was yawning the whole time and not withit.I will give you a run down for this season
1st quailifier did not have our mill circle or back walkover.
7.0 brs fell twice and had to be spotted
8.250 b fell on mount
7.785 had to be spotted on walkover
the score are about what I expected
2nd qualifier
8.6 brs
8.7b fell on push up hold hand slipped
7.75 still had to be spotted on backwalkover
making improvements
3rd qualifier
8.15 v piked
7.4brs fell twice
8.7 b could not stick landing
8.4 f got backwalkover
scored better last meet
state meet
8.35 v piked placed 9th
7.5 br fell on mount placed 8th
8.9 b placed 2nd
7.375 had to do backwalkover twice 2nd have of routine very sloppy placed 11th
overall placed 9th out of 12 girls Iwas expecting alot better meet,but still very proud of her. team placed 4th no one did has well has expected.
Congrats to your dd midwestgymmom.
Thank you it was our 1 and only home meet so she had more people watching her than she usually does:)
my dd and her state meet yesterday l 3 age 7 ,she had an off day I had to wake her up in the car when we got there she had to be there at 8am the only problem she never woke up she was yawning the whole time and not withit.I will give you a run down for this season
1st quailifier did not have our mill circle or back walkover.
7.0 brs fell twice and had to be spotted
8.250 b fell on mount
7.785 had to be spotted on walkover
the score are about what I expected
2nd qualifier
8.6 brs
8.7b fell on push up hold hand slipped
7.75 still had to be spotted on backwalkover
making improvements
3rd qualifier
8.15 v piked
7.4brs fell twice
8.7 b could not stick landing
8.4 f got backwalkover
scored better last meet
state meet
8.35 v piked placed 9th
7.5 br fell on mount placed 8th
8.9 b placed 2nd
7.375 had to do backwalkover twice 2nd have of routine very sloppy placed 11th
overall placed 9th out of 12 girls Iwas expecting alot better meet,but still very proud of her. team placed 4th no one did has well has expected.

Congrats to your dd on the placements and sticking through it:)
sorry I just saw your questin directed to me...
Our level 4 stars are just the 2nd year level 4s. We work level 5 and some level 6 stuff all year and have an extra practice to our first year level 4s. We also get to compete in one extra meet that the 1st year level 4s are not going to.
It is just an extra group for the girls who are returning level 4s.
Chelsea's first meet *of the season* was the weekend of Dec 8... She did really good. Got her first 9's.. she competed last year (this is her 2nd yr as a L4) but didn't get any 9's.. Here are her scores

8.150 on bars.. way low.. she did MUCH better than that.. even the other teams said so.. they think the judges scored her hard because the girl in front of her got a 4.550 Link Removed but it's still a good score

8.6 on beam
9.0 on vault and
9.150 on floor..

this was definately her best meet ever!! she placed on everything except bars.. and she got 6th All Around out of 18 girls... we were SOOOOO proud of her!

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