Parents Anyone competing this weekend?

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DD competes tomorrow night.... 5:30 p.m.! I sure hope she does better this time around than last time!!! Only problem is (this time), her grip ripped in practice last night. The coaches taped it up and we're hoping it will hold til tomorrow night!!! I ordered her a new pair, but I'm wondering if she'll have time to break them in before her next competition in April and the State meet in May!!

If it's not one thing, it's another, isn't it?

Friendship Classic in Pottsville

DD has a meet tomorrow in Pottsville PA at the Friendship Classic. Hopefully she will have a good meet. :confused:The past 2 meets were her lowest due to a wicked 2 week flu that really did a number on her and her first fall off beam of the season.:((Hopefully she got that over with!!). Anyone there this weekend? There are 850 competitors and an international competition tonight.:)
Well todays the big day, Cate has been feeling much better, and she had a good practice yesterday. She had a lot of rest and has eating well, so I am hopeful. The one thing that had been giving her trouble due to the cold/flu, her full turn on beam, seemed much better to her yesterday. I didn't see practice so I'm going on what Cate said. Wish her luck, she competes at 5 pm tonight, then the season is over.
DD did great yesterday.She stuck her series on beam and did not fall,got 8.9.Did not touch the floor on bars after piroute,scored 8.9.Floor was 9.1,still has to work on her fulls and she finally showed off what she can do on vault.Competed piked tsuk both vaults(before did one tuck and one pike)took tiny step on her first one and stuck the second one,scored 9.3 and got 1st.Her all around score was 36.2.Off to State in a couple of weeks.I'm glad this meet went well.It will give her more confidence for State.Will post video of the meet later.
Good luck Cate!!!!! I know you will do awesome today:)

Way to go to your daughter Hunde:) She did amazing:) I can't wait to see the videos.
Off to the gym to compete....

Just have to do my dd's hair & then were off the the gym! She's competing this weekend, level 6...send a little luck her way...if you can:D
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My dd competes tomorrow (Monday). It's our home meet, so she's excited. Last night we held the Elite session and watched the Australian National Team compete. They had some really beautiful routines.

After tomorrow, she'll have the State Meet and Regionals in April.
cb's#1fan you're so lucky to see such great gym, I am guessing you are from Pottsville gym, I was just reading the online results from this weekends comp.

Good luck to your DD, fun to have a meet on a Monday...
Rough State Meet

Well States are over and it wasn't everything that Cate hoped for. It started out great on vault. She did her best vault of the season and scored a 9.375 good for 2nd. Then on bars she made her connection again and scored a 7.950, her second highest score of the season, and only the second time she made her squat on connection.

Then it was on the beam, another major bobble on the full turn, but again she stayed on the beam. Got a 8.975. I thought that she might salvage a pretty good meet, she is always strong on floor, but tonight things just didn't go right. She lost her focus I think and she got way off the beat, this is something that has never happened. She tried to catch up but then I think it made things worse, she ended with a major step-out, and I could see she was devistated. Lowest score of the season at 8.6.

I tried to cheer her up, but it was a losing battle. Many of the girls had a rough night, and her coach who I normally find little fault with picked tonight to let them have it. Most of the girls have already repeated level 6 so they are so looking forward to moving to level 7. He told them tonight that if they don't get their giants and their cast handstands they won't be moving. Now not to mention that they haven't even worked them since November when the season started, but he knows these girls, they are harder on themselves than he could ever be. I just thought it was a low blow, for a group of girls who were already dissapointed with themselves.

In his defense he had just spent 3 solid days of state meet coaching between the level 4's and the 6's but I wish he would have waited till the next practice to start in on this. So the season is over for us, I wish for Cates sake she had had a better finish but it is what it is. I will keep encouraging her in any way I can. Good luck to every one who still has States ahead of them
I'm so sorry things didn't go as well as she'd hoped but I think her scores were pretty good. Tell her not to be too hard on herself. Even Nastia and Shawn have bad days. Just put it behind her and go on to a great season next year.
Rising Stars Invitational

Wow, talk about a high scoring meeting! In dd2's age group, 12 of 18 competitors had AA of over 36. Judges were passing out high floor scores like candy. Dd2 didn't get her clear hip all the way up to handstand and still walked away from bars with a 9.55. Personally, I'd like to see tougher judging.

Dd1's level 8 session was a little better, at least I saw scores more in line with what I'd seen elsewhere. Still a bit high, though. Dd1 stayed on the beam, got her pirouette, and competed a tsuk for the first time (she'd been doing a handspring full). She finished with a 36.2 something. Regionals might be a possibility for her after all.
Sorry Cate's state meet didn't go as well as she may have hope...but she should be proud of her scores & her performance:) LOVE your videos! The pressure is always intense at the "big" meets. As for what the coach told them...our coach did something similar last year. Told the girls 3 days prior to states that they all had to move up to 7 next season or repeat 6. He wasn't letting any of them move to prep-op(as they all thought they would). As parents, we couldn't figure out that one either?!? We think he was upset with the prep-op team for some reason & passed it onto our girls. Coaches are people too & sometimes they just aren't realizing that every word out of their month impacts these girls. My dd is repeating level 6 this year & it has actually been great (never thought I'd be saying that). She is much more relaxed & enjoying herself this year. She competed yesterday & came in 3rd AA with a 36.6. She was happy the whole meet...dancing around, cheering & clapping(for the other teams:D). There was a team in her rotation that only had 1 girl, so my dd became her cheerleader!! I told her I was most proud of her excellent sportsmanship & the fact that she was able to relax & have FUN! Next she has sectionals & states. Then...we'll see what happens over the summer. I hope our coach brings prep-op back, I think that would be a good fit for my dd & some of her teammates. Does your state have prep-op? It's for girls in between levels 6 & 7, & they don't compete out of state. I think it's a great option. It can keep girls in the sport, that might otherwise get frustrated & quit entirely. Once they get the level 7 skills they need, they can move up to 7, without repeating 6 over & over. Whew...sorry this is so longggggggg!:D
awwwwww Debi:( I am so sorry the state meet didn't go as planned for you or for Cate or for the coach for that matter. It sounds like it might have been a combination of hard judging and just nerves for all the girls. I hope their coach lightens up a bit on the giant and cast to handstand requirement for your upcoming level 7s. Our gym is like that though... You don't have your giant... You don't compete level 7 no if ands or buts about it. However, my gym is always like this... There are no spotting... there is no excuse for not making skills... either you get them and move up or you compete the level you can complete all the skills. However, my beef with that in our gym... is we are so over crowded that it is hard for them to get the skills because they have to fight for equipment and coach time. So not fair in our gyms situation so hopefully yours is less crowded so they have the time to put towards getting their skills before next season.
I am looking forward to states because I am looking forward to working new skills so at least the girls can look forward to that too even if their states weren't all they hoped and dreamed them to be:( Big hugs to both of you and the rest of the girls who are a bit bummed about their meet.
Wow way to go to your Dds Livingatthegym:) You must be proud. I am kind of hoping our States are high scoring... We have had tough judging all year and I am ready for some gifts. However, I still want fair scoring at the same time if that makes sense. Anyway, Congrats to your girls again for a great meet and for you dd getting her tsuk:)
I am kind of hoping our States are high scoring... We have had tough judging all year and I am ready for some gifts.

Ok, me, too, at least level 8 and up. High or low, placement should stay the same and for the 7s, sine the season is over after state, let the judges be as tough as they want. For girls level 8 and up, who need a 36.5 to go to regionals, it'd be nice to see a couple of "gifts". There's a gal at our gym who I really want to see make it (no, she's not my dd). She's working new routines to get rid of some trouble spots, but nobody works harder with fewer complaints. I'd be thrilled if she got to go.
Living at the gym,

We were also at Rising Stars this past weekend. I thought the scoring opened up a little our L7 session. But the majority of team had about the same scores if not lower.

I think the judges were opening them up a little to help that outrageous 35.0 State qualifying score.

Unfortunetly My DD still didnt get it. All Around was a 34.775, even with a beautiful 9.125 Beam routine. And at least during our session bars were tough. DD only got 8.15. She missed her cast requirement, but had a beautiful clear hip on low bar and stuck her landing.

I am glad that your daughters were able to get such lovely scores.

Good luck at your state competition!
We were also at Rising Stars this past weekend. I thought the scoring opened up a little our L7 session. But the majority of team had about the same scores if not lower.

I think the judges were opening them up a little to help that outrageous 35.0 State qualifying score.

Wow, that is a high qualifying score for state. Why so high? I'm sorry your daughter didn't make it this year. Even if you don't get any medals (my little dd got skunked two years in a row), it's always fun to wear the T-shirt.

Maybe the through the roof scores at our session had something to do with the teams we were competing against (Twin City Twisters, Rising Stars, Classic, Flips). I have no idea who the "power gyms" are in Minnesota. If these gyms are those that regularly produce your state champs and regional teams, I guess it would make sense that they score well.

We'll see what happens at state. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping the kids can leave the sport on a high note.
To Cate and her mom---still a very respectable state meet after being so sick for much of the week. As for floor, she may have just "run out of gas" after having the flu. Very tough to come back and keep the energy level after being out sick. Coach while tired and frustrated was still out of line. He owes the girls an apology.

Kristilyn--Hope the state comes to its senses next year and lowers that qualifying score. I know it doesn't help you now. Your dd certainly did put up a fight all season to get it and to come so close....... Time to move on and work on those L8 skills!

We had our last regular meet on Sunday. The positives of the meet were a new facility and alot of parking. After that it was really a poorly run meet. Gym was like an icebox for our session(8am), 1 judge had to leave after Sat. sessions due to a family emergency so they were down 1 judge and kids were there to qualify for states--had to pull a judge from vault to floor everytime a girl who needed qualifying was ready to do her floor, they had a dip in 1 corner of the floor mat and several girls got hurt(including 1 from our gym) and awards were a disaster.

Started on floor which is my gymmie's worst rotation since that means she has to end on beam. She got to her starting pose and the music started(at least we thought it did)---volume was set at lowest setting possible. I could tell she couldn't really hear it and then whoever was running the sound system hit stop and then started her music again from the beginning and she was 1/2 way across the floor. She was either slowing down or speeding up to try and get with the music. Judge never stopped the routine, but after she was done got up and asked the meet director to turn up the volume---so did our coaches. So, she got an 8.4 for mainly timing issues. Her coaches said they could have asked that she do the routine again, but they know this judge and she wouldn't have given my daughter a rest and she would have probably scored lower.
Vault: Better run event except they would have to stop to let 1 judge go over and judge floor then start vault again. Score was 9.075. She says she's blocking a little too late. Ok---at least she knows what's wrong. Took 8th(again I think)
Bars: She went up last. Dancing around to other floor music and cheering on her team. Hit the clear hip to handstand(not a doubt on this one) and nailed her flyaway. Her 1 mistake--bent her arms slightly on her glide kip. Score: 9.45(1st place!!!)
Beam: Didn't want it last, but can't do anything about that. NO falls and got credit for the bwo-bwo. A windmill on her bhs. She was soooooooo proud of herself. I don't think she would have cared if they gave her a 1.0 She ended up with a 8.85.
Awards were awful. No podium--just squares of carpet(probably from their rec classes). They read 1st name only---no gym etc. so girls weren't sure if they should get up or not. Occasionally they acutally read off a score. Top 3 got a shamrock shaped "medal" and everyone else got a little green ribbon.
Team took 1st which was a nice way to end it all.

Now, a nice deep breath and 3 weeks to get ready for states.

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