WAG Arm placement in full turn or any turn

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Nov 9, 2022
Reaction score
For optional levels, do you need to have your arms in crown when you do turns (especially on beam)? Or can you have them elsewhere? Is it a deduction?
As far as I know... you can have them anywhere you want.
As far as I know... you can have them anywhere you want.
That sounds good. I trained them with arms kinda bent in front, kinda like ballet dancers, but at my new gym, the coaches insist on having arms in crown.. its not that hard but i just like the way I originally learnt. Thanks for replying btw
My kid does them low by her side on both floor and beam so I am pretty confident you can put them anywhere as she scored well last year.
I feel like mine changes her turns every meet so it seems like legs and arms can be anywhere!
Each coach will have their own personal preference. I teach turns with arms in crown, as it helps the gymnasts understand pulling UP in their turns. I personally find it eliminates a lot of problems.
Are we allowed to land turns with the foot going backwards? Like so DD starts her full turn on beam with her right foot in front, makes it around, but doesn’t have the balance to step forward, so she brings her foot back behind the foot she is balancing on. Is there a deduction, and if so, what is it? DD is also competing Xcel gold this year if that helps
Are we allowed to land turns with the foot going backwards? Like so DD starts her full turn on beam with her right foot in front, makes it around, but doesn’t have the balance to step forward, so she brings her foot back behind the foot she is balancing on. Is there a deduction, and if so, what is it? DD is also competing Xcel gold this year if that helps
I'm pretty sure this is a deduction, and the skill may not be even counted. Your foot that's in passe/coupe should step in front of the turning foot. In case of your dd, she should step out her left foot in front of her after completing the turn.

If excel gold has a different requirement, im not too sure about that.
Are we allowed to land turns with the foot going backwards? Like so DD starts her full turn on beam with her right foot in front, makes it around, but doesn’t have the balance to step forward, so she brings her foot back behind the foot she is balancing on. Is there a deduction, and if so, what is it? DD is also competing Xcel gold this year if that helps
The skill wouldn't count if she lands with her foot behind. If she gets her foot on it counts and is only a .5 deduction where as without the foot in front, assuming she does not retry the turn, she would have a 9.5 SV with a .5 deduction for the fall, a top score of 9.0 if there are no form deductions.

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