Hello all
I would like to ask about the arms position/arm swing in the beginning of jumps (leap/straddle/pike jumps/ split leap etc.).
If the arms position starts behind back, or it is required to start with the arms by the side of body, and the folowing motion continues with one arm moves foreward and the other arm moves sideways, while the gymnasts jumps in the air.
Thank you very much for your advice, and sorry for my english
I would like to ask about the arms position/arm swing in the beginning of jumps (leap/straddle/pike jumps/ split leap etc.).
If the arms position starts behind back, or it is required to start with the arms by the side of body, and the folowing motion continues with one arm moves foreward and the other arm moves sideways, while the gymnasts jumps in the air.
Thank you very much for your advice, and sorry for my english