At what point can you just not keep your mouth shut?

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Gyms really ought to have an educational meeting on judging. Just some basic guidelines for deductions so they have a general idea. They often have zero understanding of where the scores come from.

Oh this was exactly what I was like :) DD's first meet she came off the floor with a bunch of ribbons with her scores on them - we were all, DD included, totally uninformed, had no idea that there was a starting score and then deductions came off the score, had no idea what the starting score was. I remember looking at one score of 13.9 and thinking "13.9 out of what 15? 20? 30?"

At training the following week her coach commented on how good DD's scores were and when I obviously looked at her blankly she gave a quick run down of how judging works.
It's really hard for me to keep my mouth shut sometimes. I'm working on it, lol :). I do socialize with a lot of the other gym moms and we have a great time together taking the kids to the lake, etc. So last week when 2 of the moms started to criticize the coaches during practice I actually did speak up. I asked them if they had ever coached, they said no. I said well let then let the coaches do their job. All was said with a smile :). It could have started big drama. Luckily it didn't and everyone laughed about it, even the 2 moms. I just hate this kind of negativity towards the gym and coaches and I don't want to be around it at all. So if the moms had gotten really upset with me about it that would have been my sign that I need to start distancing myself because I don't want to be around that.
i like staying at the gym for practice when i can! my mom helps watch my two little babies a lot, so if i'm not working and my hoku doesn't have to get a ride from teammates, i like to go. i love watching my daughter practice and have fun. the other parents at the gym are like a big ohana and we like that. sometimes you have a negative person and i would stand up to them. sometimes listening to lies and nasty comments but not standing up for the person they're being said about is almost as bad as saying them. when people get called out on their negative behavior they get embarassed a lot of times. the other parents might back you then and say the viewing room is not a place to tell lies. it's like watchin a bully on the playground. it can be hard but if you know what's right. good luck with all this!
This complaining/gossiping/griping mess goes on at almost every gym. And usually it is the compulory kids parents that are the root cause. Most of the optional parents have wised up and avoid the gossip etc. because by the time your kid gets to that point, you "get it". At our gym the optional parents are just happy their kid is competing all events and is not injured. If their kiddo does well, that is the icing on the cake. If not, there is no complaining about coaching, judging, or other gymnasts, just a "there's always another meet" attitude.
This complaining/gossiping/griping mess goes on at almost every gym. And usually it is the compulory kids parents that are the root cause. Most of the optional parents have wised up and avoid the gossip etc. because by the time your kid gets to that point, you "get it". At our gym the optional parents are just happy their kid is competing all events and is not injured. If their kiddo does well, that is the icing on the cake. If not, there is no complaining about coaching, judging, or other gymnasts, just a "there's always another meet" attitude.

You are SO right!
IMO always keep your mouth shut- especially at the gym and around people who are on your daughter's team!!!! Right, wrong, who cares- do not correct unless someone asks you personally a question, then you can give the information you think is correct- otherwise stay out of it!

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