We went to this meet in 2011 and 2012 and had a great time. Some of the scoring was a little questionable but on the whole it was a well run meet and the medals the girls received were really cool. You also get a substantial discount on the rooms. Because of this, we turned each meet into a week long vacation. A piece of advice though, on the day you get there take a taxi to a grocery store and buy food for breakfast and lunch. This will save you hundreds of dollars by not eating at the restaraunts on Atlantis. As an example, some of our friends went with us two years ago and ate at one of the Atlantis restaurants the first night and it was over $200 for five people (two of them ordered mac and cheese). The waterpark is included with the room and is awesome. The beaches are a blast and if you walk down the beach, turn right, and walk off the Atlantis property to the public beach, you can be in the water longer past 6 PM. If you want pictures taken professionally, we had family pictures done by a gentleman named Jeremy Lavender and he was great.