WAG Attitude in the gym....

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Ah, yes, smoothies!! Made with high protein yogurt and lots of fruit, make ahead and freeze and topped with Cool Whip to her heart's desire. A sure fire cure for the crabbies for us in the car on the way to gym....or on the way home after. And for some reason, cut-up green apples...not sure what's in them that does this, but they help cure the crabbies too...
..........with all those processed chemicals and hardly any nutrients, was throwing off my body's feel-good chemistry. Drew Ramsey, M.D., co-author of Link Removed says that eating the wrong foods can add to our daily stress and make us feel anxious, lethargic, and downright grouchy.

What's worse, a diet that deprives our brains of much-needed "happy" nutrients also makes *******. When you're stressed out, you're more likely to reach for high-calorie junk foods that pack on the pounds, fueling a never-ending unhappiness cycle..........

The rest of the story describes 11 mood boosting foods.

Thanks for that. She likes several of those foods so I will try to add more of them to her diet. Just making some healthier choices and we had 3 much more positive days in the gym in a row!!!

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