WAG Beam backhandspring vent

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Proud Parent
Mar 2, 2015
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Just need to vent - so I don't discuss it with DD!
DD is training level 7 this summer after OK level 6 season. She did BWO on beam in 6, but must have backhandspring for 7. She has been puttering along with this skill for almost a year now. She can do it low beam and stick 90%, and can do it in Junior beam and stick 50% - but there is no move to the high beam in sight. She says she doesn't "feel ready". I know it's scary, but at some point She's just going to have to do it! She is working backwalkover backhandspring concurrently so when (if) she does backhandspring on high beam she will have her series ready. I am not sure she wants to do this skill! LOL
I feel you. YDD had hers perfect then had a huge mental block for 6 months. She repeated L6 because of it, and is still working on her series. Gym "requires" BWO-BHS series for L7, which drives me crazy. It is called OPTIONALS - they are supposed to have options!!!!

When ODD was working on her BHS, she would stack up mats all the way to the top of the high beam, do a couple, take off a mat, do a couple, and so on. This was very time-intensive process so it took her FOREVER to do it without mats. All mental at this point and you apparently can't rush it :rolleyes:
It's probably all mental. She has plenty of time and the back handspring is a scary skill. Try to to stress it. It will come and even if it doesn't she has some other options she can do as well. It's important to make sure she isn't feeling too much pressure over this from your or her coaches. She's making progress right now but too much pressure could cause a mental block on the entire skill.
It's probably all mental. She has plenty of time and the back handspring is a scary skill. Try to to stress it. It will come and even if it doesn't she has some other options she can do as well. It's important to make sure she isn't feeling too much pressure over this from your or her coaches. She's making progress right now but too much pressure could cause a mental block on the entire skill.

Agreed! We don't discuss it at all, but usually some other CGM will fill me in on where DD is at with it [emoji35]. Glad I have this forum to vent!!
Agreed! We don't discuss it at all, but usually some other CGM will fill me in on where DD is at with it [emoji35]. Glad I have this forum to vent!!

Isn't that frustrating trying to do everything right and here comes Sally CGM to fill you in? Ugh! So annoying! (((Hugs))) to you and dd she will get there before you know it!
Isn't that frustrating trying to do everything right and here comes Sally CGM to fill you in? Ugh! So annoying! (((Hugs))) to you and dd she will get there before you know it!

OMG yes, infuriating! I really don't need to know who is getting skills before my DD. And that my DD looks "frustrated"! [emoji35]
OMG yes, infuriating! I really don't need to know who is getting skills before my DD. And that my DD looks "frustrated"! [emoji35]

That IS infuriating! Ignore the CGMs as much as you can and just know that even the kids who seemingly get skills easily can lose them just as easily. It seems to be especially true of backward skills on beam which seem to be a "one step forward, two steps back" thing. My DD struggled with the BHS forever and then again on her BHS series. But, even the team beam queens have experienced blocks and fears with the skill and have had to start over on the low beam. Gymnastics is such a mental sport and beam is hard! But, your DD is moving through the steps and making progress. Trust the process...she'll get it!
To solve the ******* parents, go in right at pickup.
If you have to hangout, put on the ear buds....
For your child, backwards stuff on the beam is brutal. It sounds like she is doing best she can. She WILL get there, as long as no one pushes her. She has lots of time.
Loads. Yes, i know its rough because of this skill being required. But remind yourself it is only almost May. That, and have a glass of wine....:D
My 10 year old - currently l6 has been working on it for 2 years. She has it perfectly on low/2 ft beam, but will not try it on high. My 7 yo(8 in July) is level 7 going on 8 got it when she was 6 on high beam. She did one l4 and l5 meet then straight to 7. My 10 yo is very stressed that her younger sister has it and she doesn't!
nothing helps but patience from parents and coach - and if possible athlete. DD was doing BHS-BHS series at age 9...then developed fears/vestibular stuff. struggled with it 2 years at L7 (with near perfect beam routines and 9.5+ scores - but absolute panic every meet). Then new gym/new coach (not avoidable, old gym closed) and strict rules about "options" for optionals...3 years out of competing, 2 completely out of gym. Now at 14 she's gotten herself back in the gym with a different gym/coaching staff and approach - I say gotten herself back because she arranged it all herself - including walking to gym after school - so much pressure and pushing from both others and herself as a 11 year old L8 led to significant self esteem issues and although she had missed gym for some time she needed to come back on her own terms.

She's no longer scared of back tumbling or dizzy on bars - no fears of release moves, twisting, and vault. She's been back only 7 practices but yesterday "did a BHS on high beam and series on low beam" because she "didn't want to get scared of it again". She has finished growing, she is not under any pressure except her own, her vestibular system has matured and she now has some self confidence rather than being dependent upon the opinion of her coach for her gymnastic "self-worth". She may decide tomorrow that its too hard to get all her L8/9 skills back and compete to the level she'd like - but she did that darn BHS because SHE decided she would!

Its hard. Its scary. They may have vestibular issues. They DO want it. They may even be able to DO it beautifully (my DD) but NOT be able to make themselves. They need support, drills, no pressure and encouragement that they will get there.

And each gymnast has their own time frame...so keep gym fun and healthy if possible!
Grady, Yay! Yay! Yay! You must be so proud.
I'm very proud of her deciding she liked gymnastics enough to go back at a new gym, new coaches and the "old age" of 14 - I'm proud of her trying to find a way to do the thing she enjoys and feels good doing without the pressure to be a "4 year level 10" and all that...I'm proud of her calling up the gym and putting herself out there.

I hope she continues to enjoy it past the 9th practice (tomorrow)...but we shall see. It's fun to see her flipping about out there again...although she already has an old injury causing trouble...oh well, that is gymnastics!
Grady, Yay! Yay! Yay! You must be so proud.[/QUO
For the OP....my DD took 2 years to get the BHS on high beam - total fears, blocks kicked in. PATIENCE and time was the answer, and it came.
Now. we will repeat the cycle as she learns to compete a BHS BHS....it never ends!!!
She has to be ready. It is so frustrating to watch.
DD has been doing BHS on beam for 1.5 years. It took her 2 months to get it. She was last on her team to get it. It was a whole lot of tears. She really wasn't ready but in order to compete level 6 her coach requires a BHS. Never mind that she had her BWO BWO and FWO BWO.
Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. DD landed on mid beam BWO BHS. For the entire week she nailed every landing. Then something happened. She wasn't hurt, her hand just slipped. Literally just scared her. So for 3 weeks she has not even considered tumbling anything backwards. Zip, zero zilch. Would cry at the thought of tumbling.
We just got tumbling back on the floor and getting back on high beam with 1 BHS this week. We are slowing allowing her to just work back up to it from square 1. She literally was being spotted on a ROBH at one point because she just wouldn't do it.

She has already decided she wants to repeat level 6. It will give her an entire year to work it and hopefully be comfortable with it. Some girls just throw it and on to the next, I sometimes wish DD was like that, but man sometimes I'm glad that she has to process everything.
DD (L9) still struggles with BHS on beam. No problems with side aerial, front aerial, BT; working FT on low beam and doesn't seem to be struggling. Ask her to do BHS anything on beam = immediate freak out. She's 13, so I'm not sure if age has anything to do with it, but this is something she's struggled with since she was a 9 year old...
Mine has been there as well. Took months to get it, lagging behind everyone else. Then broke her leg. Back to the drawing board. Another year to finally get it again and put it in a series for level 7. She actually can't do a very consistent BHS on beam if done as a single skill. Does it beautifully as part of a series. Go figure.

Girls who have to really chip away at skills or really overcome the one skill that plagues them are the girls that deserve the most credit. I mean, think about what you have to go through physically and mentally every practice to get that one skill that others get so easily. I can't even imagine how many BHS my DD has had to "try" to get where she is now. 100s, maybe 1000??

Tell yours to just hang in there. It will come. And it will make her feel on top of the world! In the meantime, don't talk about it. ;-)
my friend's kid can't do a BHS on beam but does great with BWO/BHS. so she will be competing that for her lvl 6 season. which is great b/c our gym requires a series on beam for lvl 7.
my dd is working on her bhs/bhs and is only doing it on low beam. she got her bhs easily but can't do a bwo so it's a double bhs for her. it seems to be taking her longer to get this than the bhs. i just don't ask anymore. i don't want to know. lol
Just need to vent - so I don't discuss it with DD!
DD is training level 7 this summer after OK level 6 season. She did BWO on beam in 6, but must have backhandspring for 7. She has been puttering along with this skill for almost a year now. She can do it low beam and stick 90%, and can do it in Junior beam and stick 50% - but there is no move to the high beam in sight. She says she doesn't "feel ready". I know it's scary, but at some point She's just going to have to do it! She is working backwalkover backhandspring concurrently so when (if) she does backhandspring on high beam she will have her series ready. I am not sure she wants to do this skill! LOL
Well... I really don't know if anyone really wants to flick on beam , it's just some deal with it a bit better and some don't . :). Time

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