WAG Beam pads!!!

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So I LOVE beam pads. They save my feet and make me feel so much more comfortable. I used to never use them and I started using them some months ago and haven't stopped. I used to be completely ok going without them, now I go but I get nervous!!! I won't go for my side somi without a tiny pad that really, now that I think about it, doesn't do anything! Any tips? Do you use gym pads? What are your opinions on beam pads/mats/rugs?
I use them quite a bit, and they do really save your ankles a lot when training new skills. I dont know if you can use them in a meet, so i wouldnt get to dependent on them.
They'll help you get through the season with fewer bruises on your feet, but will mess with your concentration on full routines. Try to strike a balance with some portions of the beam work-out being "pad free".
If im told by a coach to get rid of the beam pad, I will but i really would much rather not... I do routines with them... One for my side somi and dismount (about same place) another for my series and gym acro (switch leap back tuck split jump) (same place again) so I can do routines with them with no concentration problems.

How can I stop cause I know I can go without but the beam is soooo hard...
Concentrate on better "take-offs" and you'll have softer landings.

Tell me this, do you think maybe you're concentrating on "landing the skill" so much that you're forgetting to elevate the best you can. Put another way.... if all of your mental energy is on the beam (landing), won't your physical energy also be directed to the beam instead of above it.

Try some of this on a floor line. I bet you can get soft landings there, so why not the beam. Try doing these skills on a floor line....don't even look at the line at all after you've taken off, not even when you're landing. Just concentrate on take off technique and direction as you leave the beam, and the skill's movents while you're in the air, then land softly. Look at the line after you land.......it'll be right there under your feet. If it isn't....work on the take-off, adjust it so it goes straight over "the top" and places you properly over the beam/line.
Ok so today I only used them for side somi and dismounts, instead of every skill... Its a step, right? I did focus more on air time and takeoff and it felt fine :)
I PASSIONATELY HATE BEAM PADS. I know they're a great learning tool & my coach still makes me use them and I coach using them too, but I despise using them. I always feel like my hands or feet or going to slip off! Side note: a local gym around here uses bath mats? Wouldn't that be unsafe/slippery? I know a girl broke her foot after the bath mat slipped off the beam.

They aren't permitted in competition. I believe you can use them in warm up though?
I used to absolutely HATE them... Then that changed... lol I won't use mats or bath mat cause that would terrify me (they slip off so easily!) but the beam pads we have are so grippy and not slippery at all. We are not allowed to use them at meets, not even to warm up, you warm up like you compete.
We have beam pads but I don't like how you can't really feel the beam, we also have a black AAI beam pad type thing but I find it slippery, at our gym we mostly use yoga mats folded and hung over the beam. They are gripy but still save your feet. Try and do at least 5 each day without, or until you are not hesitating and then use beam pads for further work. I have used a yoga mat at meets before in warm up, but I suppose that is mostly up to the club to decide if that is allowed.

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