Each kid is different, each gym is different. I try to have younger kids do preteam and L4, just beacuse that is what most gyms do around here 6/7/8 years old on L4- I do like to also have "older" kids 9/10 if they are the right fit.
Its a crapshoot, no matter what. Some young kids are more coordianted and strong- so they make great compulsory kids. As to whether they make it in optionals/ elite level, there are so many factors- desire, fear factor, willingness to commit, coachability, parent support, and some luck w/ limited injuries. Some kids fill into their bodies later, or mature later- and while they may have been ok at compulsories they are great optionals. Desire and coachability are huge factors in a kid's success- I have seen kids with limited talent perform beyond where they should "be" just because they really want it!
As far as hours go, no 4 or 5 year old should be in the gym more than 3 or 4 hours/ week. I look at a kid that age, and can tell if they are coordinated and strong- no way to tell if its "talent" yet! Then hours can progress, for L4 and 5 10-12 hours TOTAL is more than enough for most kids.
Thats my opinion! You have to do what is right for you and your family!
Its a crapshoot, no matter what. Some young kids are more coordianted and strong- so they make great compulsory kids. As to whether they make it in optionals/ elite level, there are so many factors- desire, fear factor, willingness to commit, coachability, parent support, and some luck w/ limited injuries. Some kids fill into their bodies later, or mature later- and while they may have been ok at compulsories they are great optionals. Desire and coachability are huge factors in a kid's success- I have seen kids with limited talent perform beyond where they should "be" just because they really want it!
As far as hours go, no 4 or 5 year old should be in the gym more than 3 or 4 hours/ week. I look at a kid that age, and can tell if they are coordinated and strong- no way to tell if its "talent" yet! Then hours can progress, for L4 and 5 10-12 hours TOTAL is more than enough for most kids.
Thats my opinion! You have to do what is right for you and your family!