Parents BHS Clinic yesterday....

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Well, we went to a 3 hr clinic yesterday. My DD is a young, and small 7, most of the girls there were around 10-15 yrs old, and seemed way more into cheering than gymnastics. It was interesting to talk and listen to the other parents. A lot of them were like "Why are they so worried about form, why are they working on handstands, etc." I find it crazy that so many of them were more worried about their kids "getting" their BHS as opposed to doing it correctly and safely. We had an Olympic advisor for a coach, and the #1 tumbler in the country teaching the class, so who are ya gonna listen to? Geeze!

Anyway, my Abbey is doing well, her handstands improve everyday, and her BHS has really good form, she is just not confident doing it by herself yet. Im sure she will get there! What was amazing is that she was equal to, if not better than most of the girls at round-offs, vaults, cartwheels, and so on. At the end of the day, she felt very proud of herself to have hung in there with girls twice her age. Just a little brag on my part, we are going to talk to her coach about pre-team on Tues., wish us luck! Jodi
Sounds like a great clinic. I have to say it is funny when you see the cheerleaders at those. They just want the skill and the parents don't care if it is frogged or not.

We have them monthly and they are only 1.5 hours. I wish we could get a 3 hour one. We missed ours yesterday because of DD's little accident. Oh well there is always next month.
It was doing one of these clinics that got my gymmie "noticed" by the team coaches. She did her 1st ever BHS on the floor without a spot and was just thrilled. She did several other clinics--beam and some vault stuff. The coaches noticed she was pretty enthusiastic and ahead of the pack, so I think thats how she got anyone's attention for pre-team.
Your daughter did awesome and you deserve to brag:) It is hard to have a practice with bigger girls and it is good she just paid attention to the coach and did what she was supposed to do:)
Soon she will be just whipping them down the mat:)
Glad she had fun and kept up with the big girls! Good luck talking to the coach on Tuesday!
Good luck with the coach! I hope your dd is able to do preteam this year!


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