I've just recently developed the strangest fear I've ever even heard off. I'm absolutely HORRIFIED of tumbling into back fulls, I'm perfectly fine with halves, but fulls are TERRIFYING. The setup of our tumble track doesn't help my fear either. It's positioned right next to a brick wall and there is a huge window to the left of the resi mat. I twist towards the window (another fear factor) and it freaks me out that I'm gonna go off center and run into the window. I also manage to get some pretty good speed and height in my tumbling which makes me think that I'm going to land completely off the resi mat if I accidentally set back instead of straight up. I have some problems as well with twisting early but I don't twist straight off the ground. I really need this skill to move on in my tumbling but I've never had such a bad mental block. It's frustrating both me and my coach and I've been brought to tears numerous times because of it. Does anyone have any tips?