I have a few pre-team (and rec) girls who have natural tallent, but share a comon problem: no lower body awareness. When my kids do bars I have to remind them constantly to get back into proper form. At floor when I remind them they should be pointing thier back foot in thier straight leg leap (L3-6) they argue that they are pionting! I have brought out the video camera to show them how ugly thier skills are due to bent legs and flexed feet, but it hasn't helped much. I have also tried making them lie stiff on thier backs and pulling thier legs apart- they understand it when they are on the ground, but when they are doing skills... ahh! The one thing that has seemed to help is putting a pink dot on thier left handand foot, and a blue on the right hand and foot (right and left gets confusing?) and having them kick up to a HS w/spot. While in the HS I call out a color and they have to tighten that leg and foot only. I alternate between the two. This has helped some. Do you have any other sugestions?