Parents Body Image Resource

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Proud Parent
Proud Parent
Jul 22, 2010
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Since the "uh-oh" post and the nutrition post were both locked, I just wanted to share this resource. Several years ago "Dove" (soap, etc.) sponsored a body image clinic at a local college campus, taught by young women in the Womens Studies department, for girls ages 7 and up. I sent my girls, and even though they were younger than most of the girls there, I still felt like it was valuable. The following year it was offered again, and I wanted to send my girls again, especially as I had heard a worrisome comment from my young gymnast, but they decided to only offer it to girls ages 11 and up. However, the Woman's Studies deptartment directed me to the Dove website. They have a number of resources having to do with girls and body image, especially dealing with the reality behind the images we see in magazines, etc. Anyway, I am in no way endorsing Dove products, but here's the link to the resources (which also don't endorse Dove products), in case it is helpful to anyone.

Link Removed
Great link. Discussion is fine, but please stay away from medical advice and please, please remember that we have many very young lurkers here. Do NOT mention your child concerning this issue, I'd hate for them to read about it here one day.

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