Booster club/parent club

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Hi ~ I'm am looking for any unusual fundraising ideas that bring in the $'s. My gym does not have a "booster club". The gym has seen the down side of a true booster club(agruments, certain people doing all the work,etc) so......I am trying to organize a "Parent club" for all our team parents. Anyone out there doing this? I would like to get parents involved in fundraising for new equipment, end of year fund trips for the teams, etc. What we currently do is a cookie dough sale were each gymnast gets 50% of her/his total sale into their own account to pay for coaches fees, leos, etc. We also do this with a used leo sale.

Any ideas or advice welcomed!! Thanks
IMHO, only a couple of fundraiser that we do is worth the while -- a concession stand that operates out of the gym and basket raffles (with donated items), also conducted at the gym. Everything else either takes a lot time/effort to coordinate/run, brings very little money, is just a pain in the tush or is all of the above.
Check with your local Applebee's restaurant. We do a pancake breakfast with them. We sell the tickets for $5.00 each. As long as we make enough in tips to cover the costs of the food, then we keep the whole $5.00. It is an awesome fundraiser. Who wouldn't give a cute little gymnast $5.00? We use it as a personal fundraiser, but you can use it for the gym. My dd made over $600 this spring with it. You just have to get out there and sell the tickets. Most people didn't even come, they just wanted to support her.

We have everyone bring $1.00 of each ticket sold to cover the costs in case tips don't cover the food costs. We usually make enough to cover it. The gymnasts who sell tickets and a parent for each child needs to be there to serve, take orders, plate food, etc......
Crab feeds, spaghetti feeds are cash cows. However, crab feeds will stink up your gym.

One of the gyms I used to work at used to make some decent cash at candle sales. Our boosters it trying to sell fireworks this year.
We are trying Parents Night Out. We opened from 6-10 charge per kid then gave a discount for add'l kids from the same family. We served pizza and juice, played all kinds of games, jumped in the pit.

We are trying Movie Night next
Our gym just completed a fundraiser that was 100% profit for the gymnast. One of the parents went around to local business's and got them to offer a discount like subway BOGO free 6' sub. We put all the discounts onto one business size laminated card and sold them for $10 a piece. Some of the parents manged to sell over 50 cards, for a profit of $500+. It was one of most successful fundraisers yet!!!
Our gym does not have a pro shop.

We have a Leotard sale 4 times a year. GK has a risk free program where they send you a HUGE variety of beautiful pay cost....we sell them to the parents for 30-50 bucks ... Return the unsold ones for full refund. We do this for 1 week, 4 times a year.

We usually make a very good profit, BUT we also have a BIG recreational program....they buy lots of these...The parents await these sales like vultures!

Good luck
Our gym just collects between $25-$50 each month depending on what level your daughter is. It goes into an account for coach fees and travel to meets. This is totally hassle free and it ensures that there will be funds available.
Looking at the upcoming costs per gymnast that I've heard of lately, 25-50 dollars per gymnast would not be enough. It's on the order of 800 dollars for the competitive season. I'll be able to waive some of the fees like food stipend and transportation since the parents will buy me food and give me a ride to meets but it's still gonna be expensive at 75 dollars per meet and the session rate for coaching.

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