Parents Camps for young gymmies

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Proud Parent
Jan 31, 2012
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I just saw the thread about 2014 FlipFest registration and can't believe that it may already be time to start thinking about next summer. I am still recovering from the summer that just ended! Does anyone have any recommendations for a fun, safe gymnastics camp for younger campers (mine will be age 7 with prior overnight camp experience)? I am particularly interested in the Wolfpack camp in North Carolina, but am a little concerned about the level of supervision that may be provided in the dorms and around campus at a college camp.
I found the college camps to have way less supervision and my experience would be avoid those at your DDs age (DD went to 2 last year and even at 11 yrs old she didn't like the environment). Not sure about Flip Fest, but Woodward has cabin Moms for younger girls (literally mothers or other relatives) in the cabin. I found them to be very helpful when DD was young. Also, Woodward allows cell phones and IGC doesn't (the kids are well supervised though). I had a really hard time with that when DD was small, so I would ask about the cell phone policy at whatever camp you're considering. It would also help to try to coordinate camp with some of her friends - it's a great bonding experience for all ages.
Anyone been to GTC camp in MA? Any idea when they start registration process? Right now the website is still showing 2013 information.
DD went to IGC as a 7 year old, then again this past summer as an 8 year old. I was very happy with the level of supervision. Friends of mine sent their daughters to a college type camp, and while their girls were older, I gather the supervision was minimal in comparison. I personally am not ready for that, and while DD is looking for a more "intense" gym experience from a "camp" next summer, we aren't ready for college type camps due to her age.

She'd been to an overnight church camp as a 6 year old, so was familiar with the camping experience, which significantly helped. (It also helped me as they don't have the opportunity to contact you from IGC for the week either.)

I would recommend IGC or a similar type of camp for any younger gymmie.
My kids went to FF last summer and my youngest had just turned 7. It was all 3 of my kids' first summer camp and things seemed to go pretty well.
My dd went to Woodward when she was 8 and there is good supervision for the 9 and under group. They have a cabin parent with them, not just a teen counsellor.
My daughter has gone to Woodward twice and now a College type camp. Woodward was great - but I also volunteered as a camp mom. Woodward has over a 1000 kids at camp and they are gymnasts, cheer leaders, BMX, Skate Boarders and Photography.
I was not the cabin mom of my daughters group the first year. I got age 10 plus and I was happy that my daughter was not 10 plus. They talk about stuff that is way more advanced for even a 10 or 11 year old. I thought that the cabin placement at woodward was a little off for my liking. They have age 9 and below in one cabin and age 10 above in the other.
The second year I had her in my cabin - well most of the girls were from our club and I loved it even more then the first year.
Woodward is a fantastic camp for gymnastics and the camp experience. Depending on when you go depends on how good the coaching is. The first year we had amazing coaching and the second year was great but not at the same level.
If you have a good camp mom and is interested in helping all the kids in their cabin then they will have a fantastic experience. If you get one that doesn't really want to be there...yekes.

This year she did a college type camp - very different experience. They trained all day and in two evenings and were not able to roam free like you could at an actual camp. This particular camp she was at a hotel and three of her other friends went so they still had a fantastic time. My dd like the gym experience better on this camp and the camp experience better at Woodward.

Moving forward if she wanted to go back which I am sure she will - she will continue with the college type experience with a couple of friends who have the same work ethics she has - as she has goals when she goes to camp.

I have had friends go to IGC and have equally as much fun as we did at Woodward. What I like about IGC is its only gymnasts. From what I understand the security is bar none amazing at IGC which I would not say the same at Woodward. Woodward people can come and go and watch their children and stay as long as they want. IGC no visiting (from what I have been told)
My daughter has travelled with Team Ontario before and they stay in a hotel with 3 other gymnasts. The coaches are not always on the same floor - so through her independent experiences she was able to transition to the college type camp very easily as there were many rules travelling with a team.

Camp period is a ton of fun - its really what are you looking for when you go to a camp.
Good luck
This particular camp she was at a hotel

What I like about IGC is its only gymnasts. From what I understand the security is bar none amazing at IGC which I would not say the same at Woodward.

Mary makes a lot of good points (as always). Couple things to consider - dorms are generally not air conditioned. I assume the hotel was. Even with a large window fan, DD and her roommate roasted in the dorms so it's something else to consier.

I think IGC and Woodward are fundamentally very different. Not saying one is worse than the other -- I know gymnasts who prefer both. However, IGC is all about the gymnastics. It's 6 different session a day of gymnastics including a dance session. At Woodward - it's only 3 hours a day scheduled and several open gym sessions later in the say so they can work on whatever they want. I think they have more non-gymnastics activity options as well. IGC does have very strict security which is reassuring. They were taking forehead temps one year to make sure the gymmies weren't sick (they had an issue in an earlier session). They are also very strict with the cell phones as well. Like I said in my earlier post, I like for DD to be able to call if she wants. Once she starts having fun, she honestly didn't call that much, but I liked that she could call if needed.
Oh, and at FF it is absolutely NO cell phones. They really stress it. They do have phones and encourage the kids to bring a calling card so that they can call home whenever they want.

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