WAG Can I post this? 3yr old gymnast on Ellen

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I showed the Ellen video to my dd last night and her first response was, "oh, that girl won't last in gymnastics." When she saw my surprised reaction, she said, "I can tell that mom will suck all the fun out of it for this little girl and she'll quit, I've seen it before."

The IG videos remind me of that avatar with the baby doing the one handed push-up..... It's funny 'cause it's true. :\
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And someone mentioned in an earlier post about why Olympians would "follow" this type of CGM postings....the mom definitely references wearing "so and so's" leos in the posts so I'm sure those with leo lines follow those who wear them and post pics of them...
The NM gym is her new gym then. This gym, in her home town, was her old gym with the hours she spoke of. She probably deleted the comments on IG after how crazy they looked, but other accounts, however, don't lie.


Here's a comment she left when someone asked how long she trains:
"Michelle Newtown she has practice 2x a week for 1.5hrs each and then a week ago we added a one hour private. So she trains 4 hours a week now :)". I'm confused. Does she train at home the remaining hours?! That's even more frightening!
I've often wondered why so many of the athletes support and encourage this behavior. I mostly see it with Nastia and it makes me think that she is just trying to make $$$ off of these kids. Then all the followers come to her Shine tours. But I digress..... I'm sure you have all seen some of these IG kids "advertising" different clothing lines, items, etc. Do they receive money? Does this affect their NCAA eligibility if (and probably would burn out before then) they got there? I'm thinking of the one little 6 y.o. who actually seems very talented but is represented by Nastia's company.
Her mom posted on her IG account that she trains 20 hours a week, but cut back to 16 because her "coach" was going easy on her, because she was the smallest of the group. I believe she has an account here, and had posted once about her not focusing during practice and was worried and seeking advice, just to forewarn anyone.

does anyone remember the post that ladybug is referring to? did the mom mention the girl was at 20hrs a week in her posts? can't imagine that went over well.

This one:


But the mom in that thread sounded genuinely concerned about the number of hours, and wanted to know if she was overreacting. When everyone (and I mean every single poster) agreed it was too much, she sounded like she was going to have a talk with the coach. This does not sound like a CGM who sets up an entire gym for her little olympic snowflake in the basement of their home, then posts videos to IG and ends up on Ellen. So I don't think it's the same person.

Also, the TOPs program is designed for girls aged 7 to 10. The gym may say the child is in "TOPs training" but there's no way she is participating in the program (i.e.: testing) at age 3.
Clueless Parent: My child loves gymnastics. She just flips around the house all day.

Bad Gym: Yes clueless parent I can see that. She is special and very talented. (With a grinch smile)We can make him/her a star here at our facility. We only require your child to be potty trained to join any "Team"

Clueless Parent: Really?

Bad Gym: Of Course we have several programs. And a special program called Tops for really talented kids but it cost a little more money that other options.

Clueless Parent: Yay! we want the best training.

Bad Gym: (Cha Ching$$$) Sign here And pay there.

Clueless Parent: My child is going to the Olympics!!

Bad Gym: (Thinking)And I'm going to the bank... "Bye Bye Clueless Parent and tell your friends "

I couldn't even read the whole thread, it made me sick. And if you look above, @LadyBugGymnast posted a Facebook link to a picture from September 12, 2015 (2 months after that ^ thread was created). The picture's caption is "Morning TOPS and Fast-Track Optional Team", and there are 8 decent sized kids and then a freaking 3 year old standing next to them. And that was a year ago, so she was probably a very young 3 year old. Sickening. She looks identical to the little girl starring on Ellen so there's no doubt in my mind they are the same kid/mom.


My gosh, looked a little further and saw this!

Yikes. And look at those push-ups in the beginning of the vid :eek: You can tell this gym has NO concept of form whatsoever.
I couldn't even read the whole thread, it made me sick. And if you look above, @LadyBugGymnast posted a Facebook link to a picture from September 12, 2015 (2 months after that ^ thread was created). The picture's caption is "Morning TOPS and Fast-Track Optional Team", and there are 8 decent sized kids and then a freaking 3 year old standing next to them. And that was a year ago, so she was probably a very young 3 year old. Sickening. She looks identical to the little girl starring on Ellen so there's no doubt in my mind they are the same kid/mom.

Yikes. And look at those push-ups in the beginning of the vid :eek: You can tell this gym has NO concept of form whatsoever.

Oh a push up ? Hmmm I thought that was Optionals working on adding the worm to their floor routine. Now I'm that Clueless parent lol Thanks CB !
I'm still trying to figure out how the thread on CB asking about 20 hrs being too much and the FB post of this girl on the TOPS team are truly connected? It seems it could be totally unrelated and just coincidental. Maybe I'm missing something.
I'm still trying to figure out how the thread on CB asking about 20 hrs being too much and the FB post of this girl on the TOPS team are truly connected? It seems it could be totally unrelated and just coincidental. Maybe I'm missing something.

Read my post above and click on the Facebook link. They're both within months of each other. And let's be real, how many other 3 year old kids are training TOPS? I would like to think that most gyms are smarter. On this gym's website, it says their "Fast Track Optionals/TOPS" train 20-30 hrs per week. And that was definitely Emma in that Facebook picture with the caption "Morning TOPs and Fast-Track Optional Team". Click on the link and see for yourself. Also, this gym and Emma's current gym are only 1 hour away from each other. Too many similarities to be completely coincidental.
I'm still trying to figure out how the thread on CB asking about 20 hrs being too much and the FB post of this girl on the TOPS team are truly connected? It seems it could be totally unrelated and just coincidental. Maybe I'm missing something.

I certainly hope they're the same person. Otherwise there have been more than one 3yo "training" for 20 hours every week in a "TOPS program" and, from the little I understand (my dd started much later than 3yo), that would be quite unfortunate.
It is the same person. As @CoachMeg said, there are just too many coincidental things, and yes, I would hope other gyms would be smarter not to put a 3yr old on TOPS. She can say now "She only trains 3-4 whatever" hours a week at her new gym, but for the past year shes been training 16-20 hours, it looks like, unfortunately. I guess I can say, whatever made her make the better decision to not be in the gym "now" all those hours, thats great! But dont make it up and say shes been doing it "6 months" and is a prodigy working off 3 hours a week in gym time, making the sport look bad for other moms/dads. Pretty soon it'll run out of steam.

I certainly hope they're the same person. Otherwise there have been more than one 3yo "training" for 20 hours every week in a "TOPS program" and, from the little I understand (my dd started much later than 3yo), that would be quite unfortunate.
That's what I was thinking!
Read my post above and click on the Facebook link. They're both within months of each other. And let's be real, how many other 3 year old kids are training TOPS? I would like to think that most gyms are smarter. On this gym's website, it says their "Fast Track Optionals/TOPS" train 20-30 hrs per week. And that was definitely Emma in that Facebook picture with the caption "Morning TOPs and Fast-Track Optional Team". Click on the link and see for yourself. Also, this gym and Emma's current gym are only 1 hour away from each other. Too many similarities to be completely coincidental.

Yes, I did read it all and look at the links. I just wondered if there was some other evidence I was missing. I completely agree there are so many similarities that it seems to be the same person.
USAG Region 6 just shared the Ellen video on FB. They probably shouldn't be endorsing something that goes against USAG guidelines, but nobody seems to care.

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