Parents Cheetah cups at meets

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Proud Parent
Jul 13, 2014
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Hi all. My DD has a bone bruised heel. She has been using a cheetah cup and it is helping a lot. Our competition season starts this weekend and she desperately wants to compete vault and floor (her best events). Can she use the cheetah cup at meets?
I have been told "no"; but I'm not sure if that is true...
We can wrap it though, right? Maybe we could put one of the heel pads under the ace bandage.
I'm curious to see what the consensus is. My girl wore one to her meet last weekend - not sure if that's something that would get mentioned to the coaches during the meet as a no-no but no one said anything about it to us! Truthfully, it never occurred to me that it might not be allowed....doesn't seem any different than wrapping the foot/ankle.
My DD competed with one almost all season last year without any problems.
DD has been competing in one for two entire years.
We have several kids who have competed with them and never had a problem.
I'm glad to hear that. Dd's old gym had said that they couldntvbebworn, so I have avoided them. But I think that they could really help her.
Dd's teammates wear them all the time and 1 wore them on both feet at L9 nationals this year so I think she can :). How she has a great time at the meet!

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