Parents Choreography costs/fees

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Proud Parent
May 4, 2022
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My DD's gym does have someone they can occasionally book choreography with who works at the gym and is a local dance teacher. However, many on her optional team don't enjoy working with that person, or don't like the elements of their routines that are designed. The dance instructor has a fundamental understanding of gymnastics. So my daughter who has done a couple of dance classes but is definitely not a dancer, but who enjoys watching artistic gymnastics videos to get ideas for choreography has assisted with routines the past two years. Last year she did most of her own choreography and helped choreograph a single teammates routine, but did tweak a couple as well.

This year she has done her own routine and designed three teammates floor routines in addition to helping with elements of many of their's and others' beam routines. She indicated that if she were to do it again she would charge a bit because it has taken a great deal of her time outside of her training hours.

I'm curious what do people pay for Choreographing routines - do you pay per routine or per hour? Would you as a parent pay a small nominal amount to someone who doesn't have any dance credentials?

Thanks for your input!
She should definitely be charging, and I’m frankly shocked that the gymnast’s families didn’t offer to pay or her coaches didn’t insist she be paid.

Rates for choreography vary wildly(experience, level of routine, geographic area all factor), but most I know charge by routine not by hour. This usually covers a 2 to 4 hour session to teach the routine, some also include a follow up shorter session to do clean-up.

How much is a routine from the experienced choreographer in your area? Your daughter should, at minimum, be comfortable asking for half of what the professional charges as a start. If girls on your daughters team are already choosing your daughter over the other choreographer, families shouldn't hesitate to pay that if not more.

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