Coaches and masks

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Proud Parent
Oct 6, 2018
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I can't believe I am even asking this, but do your gyms require that coaches wear masks? Our gym absolutely does and our gymnasts wear masks when they are not on the floor. But a very well known gym in our state posts a lot of training videos and it is clear that NO ONE is wearing a mask in the gym. This is in a state with no mask mandate, but it's a highly regarded gym and I am frankly shocked. It seems easy enough for them to mask up.
They do where I live (Europe), but it is a state mandate.

I have seen a lot of very concerning videos on social media where coaches don't bother with masks. Some NCAA meets also seem to follow very loose covid protocols, IMO, both for coaches and gymnasts.
Everyone in the building must wear a mask unless on equipment. So coaches all the time gymnasts during warm up and as they walk from event to event and entering and exiting. other staff and limited parent viewers all the time.
Anyone in the gym including the gymnasts must wear masks at all times at our gym. Technically speaking, if there is no mask mandate, it is legal but dangerous. I would surely not be sending my DDs to a gym without masks.
Ours requires them at all times for everyone and as far as I can tell there is pretty much 100% compliance; the girls even compete in masks. However one of the major gyms in our state (which has a mask mandate) often posts things on social media with unmasked or half-masked coaches and athletes. They’ve already had a breakout there. I used to sometimes wonder in a mild, grass-is-greener sort of way if DD might be better off at that gym... not anymore! I’m really happy about the priorities at our gym.
We are in a mask mandated state and everyone in the gym wears masks at all times unless on the apparatus. Same for meets and there have even been a few where both of my kids competed some events with masks on accidentally because they are so used to it. DD2 has friends who compete at another gym in our area that likes to portray itself as elite. I have seen pictures from meets/practices where coaches and gymnasts are not masked. The same gym also allows birthday parties in groups up to 25 with no masks and also still holds open gyms. Our gym stopped doing parties and open gyms in order to keep exposure to a minimum. I have had the same sentiments with this gym as @kendo348. Seeing pictures like that solidifies the choice we have made for our kids. It shows that our gym truly cares about their kiddos by following the rules and minimizing the amount of bodies in the gym on any given day.
Well no one wears masks here, as we have had only 2 cases of transmission of COVID in the last 7 months. So no masks anywhere at all, they have only been required for 14 days out of the entire pandemic, which was when those 2 cases were diagnosed.

No child under 12 was required to wear a mask ever, so that was the vast majority of our gymnasts.

Gymnasts age 12 and over were required to wear masks, but not during strenuous exercise or in situations where it could be considered dangerous. So they wore them walking in and out and during stretching but not during any other part of training.

Coaches were required to wear masks for that 2 week period, and we did.
We are in a mask mandate state. So we have no choice.Coaches masked all the time. At club masks except doing their event. High school gym. eveRhône masked 100 percent of the time, even on events. Different rules for school.

Not sure why you would be shocked in a state that doesn’t have a mask mandate. The gyms made different choices. And their members are free to choose as well. I’d love to know if any cases were traced to the non mask gym. I would think if they were having cases and spread you would know.

Some other points to consider. The other gym is not breaking the rules by not masking. Masks are not mandated where you are. You have no idea how often the coaches get tested. Or how often the gymmies get tested. What kind of cohosting they are doing.......
I have seen a lot of very concerning videos on social media where coaches don't bother with masks. Some NCAA meets also seem to follow very loose covid protocols, IMO, both for coaches and gymnasts.
Many colleges are doing extensive testing, especially on their athletes. Along with strict rules on what the student/athletes can do or go. They are also limiting there competitions/games.

I have a nephew whose full time job is to test students at one college

i have 4 nieces and nephews currently in college ( 3 different schools) and “living” on campus. They are confined to their dorms, most of their classes are on line. Only lab classes in person. Meals are picked up or delivered and eaten in their dorms. They are required to test negative before leaving and coming home and required to test negative and quarantine when returning to campus.

I personally have been to 3 college towns recently for work (and different colleges from the nieces and nephews). They are like ghost towns.

There are many more protocols in place making a mask in a large open space with few people in that space the least of it. If there were lots of cases occurring we would all know.
Many colleges are doing extensive testing, especially on their athletes. Along with strict rules on what the student/athletes can do or go. They are also limiting there competitions/games.

I have a nephew whose full time job is to test students at one college

i have 4 nieces and nephews currently in college ( 3 different schools) and “living” on campus. They are confined to their dorms, most of their classes are on line. Only lab classes in person. Meals are picked up or delivered and eaten in their dorms. They are required to test negative before leaving and coming home and required to test negative and quarantine when returning to campus.

I personally have been to 3 college towns recently for work (and different colleges from the nieces and nephews). They are like ghost towns.

There are many more protocols in place making a mask in a large open space with few people in that space the least of it. If there were lots of cases occurring we would all know.
I'm sure some college are doing right and that they are doing it the best they can.

Some things, however, are just puzzling. For instance, there was four gymnasts and two coaches from Florida out due to covid protocols and yet the rest of the team still competed. Knowing covid tests are not 100% reliable, I hardly find it reassuring.
Besides, things like high fiving don't seem necessary at this point...

(Just to be clear, I don't want to single out NCAA meets ; it's just that there is not a lot of gymnastics happening around there. But some elite sport is still going on in Europe and I would say it's going pretty bad as well...)
masks are worn by coaches 100% of the time, no exceptions. We are in a mask mandate state with strict requirements for allowing sports to happen. We are also in an area where people do not hesitate to contact the local health department if they see noncompliance. Our gymnasts wear masks almost all of the time during practice. Many compete while wearing a mask. They are permitted to pull down or remove their mask when actually practicing or competing on an apparatus. This option is used mostly by upper level gymnasts.
I'm sure some college are doing right and that they are doing it the best they can.

Some things, however, are just puzzling. For instance, there was four gymnasts and two coaches from Florida out due to covid protocols and yet the rest of the team still competed. Knowing covid tests are not 100% reliable, I hardly find it reassuring.
Besides, things like high fiving don't seem necessary at this point...

(Just to be clear, I don't want to single out NCAA meets ; it's just that there is not a lot of gymnastics happening around there. But some elite sport is still going on in Europe and I would say it's going pretty bad as well...)
The same can be said about all of the football players and coaches that were out with COVID and the teams continued to travel and play games this past season. I hope that contact tracing was done and the appropriate people were out for the Recommended amount of time.
I am in a mask 99% of the time (When I'm in the gym for 5-8 hours I need water & food breaks and we don't have any sort of closed off rooms). That being said, I've heard of outbreaks in several gyms that require masks. I also know some gyms with very loose COVID protocols that have had no outbreaks. Personally, I assume that I'm being exposed to the virus the moment I step foot outside of my house and in to another building.
Coaches and spectators are always masked unless eating or drinking (done well away from everyone else). Gymnasts do not have to wear masks during their practice sessions, but they are supposed to stay 6 feet apart. There is even 6 feet of spacing between the "squares" where they store their stuff. We are "lucky" in that the girls' entire group is just the 3 of them that live together. They are not around the other groups at all. Our gym also does a great job of cleaning and hand washing / sanitizing. No cases in the gym so far.
I'm sure some college are doing right and that they are doing it the best they can.

Some things, however, are just puzzling. For instance, there was four gymnasts and two coaches from Florida out due to covid protocols and yet the rest of the team still competed. Knowing covid tests are not 100% reliable, I hardly find it reassuring.
Besides, things like high fiving don't seem necessary at this point...

(Just to be clear, I don't want to single out NCAA meets ; it's just that there is not a lot of gymnastics happening around there. But some elite sport is still going on in Europe and I would say it's going pretty bad as well...)
Yes the protocol is place for to determine who has to quarrantine and who doesn't it depends on many things. We don’t know the reason they are put on protocol. We have no idea how significant the exposures are and they are erring on the cautious side.
For that one week masks were required there were exceptions in the law for us. You did not have to wear a mask if you had a medical condition, such as asthma that affected your breathing. You didn’t have to wear one if you had a skin condition that was irritated by the mask, or if you had a mental disorder where the mask could make it worse like anxiety. Teachers were also not required to wear masks while teaching, or any job where it’s important that your mouth is seen to ensure communication like announcing or working with hearing impaired people.

Really with those rules we could have seen gymnastics coaching as exempt. But it was only for a week, and the only week for the entire pandemic so we went with it
I'm sure some college are doing right and that they are doing it the best they can.

Some things, however, are just puzzling. For instance, there was four gymnasts and two coaches from Florida out due to covid protocols and yet the rest of the team still competed. Knowing covid tests are not 100% reliable, I hardly find it reassuring.
Besides, things like high fiving don't seem necessary at this point...

(Just to be clear, I don't want to single out NCAA meets ; it's just that there is not a lot of gymnastics happening around there. But some elite sport is still going on in Europe and I would say it's going pretty bad as well...)
I know at LSU, the gymnasts wear a "tracker" that can tell who they have been within 6 feet of and for how long to aid in contact tracing. They try to remember to put their masks back on right after their turns and there is more arm "bumping" than High 5s this season from all the teams I have seen.

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