Everyone in higher ed is waiting to see what's going to happen. A group at Penn State put together a good presentation on what social distancing needs to look like in college classrooms, and that was a huge wakeup call. Most institutions have everything scheduled up pretty tightly, with class caps set at the room capacities. Even if we go back to in person, schedules will be upended, as classes have to be put in rooms where students can sit six feet apart and there has to be enough time for people to enter and leave rooms one at a time.
Face-to-face will be prioritized for classes that really need it, like labs, music, art, etc. Very large lecture classes are unlikely to be face-to-face. Everybody is frantically reading up on hybrid course design, because even for face-to-face, we are being told we'll need to accommodate students who don't feel safe being in the classroom.
I expect most institutions will make the call about whether or not they are going back sometime in June. Once that decision is made, others will follow sequentially. But everyone's on notice that whatever we plan, we need to be ready to flip back online again if another shutdown happens.