Anon College Interest?

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Feb 16, 2022
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My daughter a freshman in high school, 3rd year level 10. She has sent out emails introducing herself and attached a few video's as well. She got a response from a few, all saying even thought she is too young to communicate with, they can send her camp info, school info, etc and that they want her to send videos etc. She recently received two emails with their summer camp information. I guess my intention is to see if they are interested in her and would like her to attend camp at their school, or does everyone get the camp invite information? Also, a lot of them follow her Instagram account and there are a good handful that always watch her posted stories / clips. Would we consider that as interest? This is all new to me and we are trying to figure out strategies of what camps to attend ( she can't do them all so i want her to pick 2 ).. All input and suggestions are encouraged! Thank you all!
Coaches don't have infinite time, so if they're spending time on your child I think it's safe to say there's at least some level of interest.
I agree, my daughter is in a similar situation, freshman, multiple year L10. Pretty much all coaches are following her Instagram, the majority "like" whatever she posts. She has had DMs with Alabama and Denver sharing generic flyers on campus life, including upcoming camps. She has also had multiple letters delivered at home from Georgia, Utah, Denver, and Alabama. Mom and Dad have also received emails from coaches of these programs. I am taking these actions as some level of interest, at least she is on their radar. I did ask her coach about the flyers regarding camps though. Her gym has a strict policy that forbids camp attendance unless explicitly invited by a school. The response the coach gave, was that all these programs do this because camps are a major revenue source for them and that these are not explicit invites to a camp. Coach also said camps are useful for girls that still are a borderline interest with a program, so that the program can evaluate her interactions with coaches etc., and shouldn't be attended until that summer after junior year. So take that commentary however you like. I partially agree but I do see value in attending camps as a prospective college campus. I would also add that her gym is very fortunate in that we have had over 25 programs visit the gym this past month so the opportunity in her situation to get seen by coaches is great which certainly does mitigate the attending camp dilemma. Bottom line, I would say they are interested in your daughter, idk if I would take the camp flyer as a direct invite, perhaps more she is on the list of "contacts" and we sent this flyer to all our contacts.

You should post this in the other anonymous college recruiting thread!
...but I do see value in attending camps as a prospective college campus.
This is an important point. Whenever you're doing recruiting (for sports, education, jobs, whatever) you need to view it as a two way street. Yes, you want college coaches to want your child in their program, but your child needs to have all the information possible to figure out if they want to be in that program. Sometimes the best choice is a "thanks, but no thanks" and it can be extremely hard to figure that out before it's too late.
Mine is a sophomore, third year L10 and has a few schools/coaches following her on insta, gets the occasional “like” from a college coach on a post, and has gotten very little mail, so this is evidence that not everyone is getting the attention your daughters are!
Mine is a sophomore, third year L10 and has a few schools/coaches following her on insta, gets the occasional “like” from a college coach on a post, and has gotten very little mail, so this is evidence that not everyone is getting the attention your daughters are!
I agree with this. OP, I think that is definitely a strong positive sign for your daughter. I assume she made it to Nationals and must have done well there?

My daughter is a freshman, second year level 10 and has had absolutely no interest from college coaches yet. But she didn't make it to nationals last year and I've been told that that is usually when they'll start following instagrams, etc, which makes sense.

Good luck to your daughter. Mine is also trying to figure out which camps to consider for the summer right now.
My daughter a freshman in high school, 3rd year level 10.

This coupled with the fact that she has coaches following her on Instagram means you have a good deal of interest. Keep on it.

I'll have to look for some of the old threads to link into this one.
This one... read through this one...

I agree, my daughter is in a similar situation, freshman, multiple year L10. Pretty much all coaches are following her Instagram, the majority "like" whatever she posts. She has had DMs with Alabama and Denver sharing generic flyers on campus life, including upcoming camps. She has also had multiple letters delivered at home from Georgia, Utah, Denver, and Alabama. Mom and Dad have also received emails from coaches of these programs. I am taking these actions as some level of interest, at least she is on their radar. I did ask her coach about the flyers regarding camps though. Her gym has a strict policy that forbids camp attendance unless explicitly invited by a school. The response the coach gave, was that all these programs do this because camps are a major revenue source for them and that these are not explicit invites to a camp. Coach also said camps are useful for girls that still are a borderline interest with a program, so that the program can evaluate her interactions with coaches etc., and shouldn't be attended until that summer after junior year. So take that commentary however you like. I partially agree but I do see value in attending camps as a prospective college campus. I would also add that her gym is very fortunate in that we have had over 25 programs visit the gym this past month so the opportunity in her situation to get seen by coaches is great which certainly does mitigate the attending camp dilemma. Bottom line, I would say they are interested in your daughter, idk if I would take the camp flyer as a direct invite, perhaps more she is on the list of "contacts" and we sent this flyer to all our contacts.

You should post this in the other anonymous college recruiting thread!
My daughter has interest in the schools sending the camp information and I want her to visit the schools and have interaction with their coaching staff to even see if she likes it. She received email from Utahs head coach along with a link to the camp. While i see these camps as revenue makers, Utah certainly has no problem filling up their camps! ha ha! There are others, but not as big as Utah. Her gym approves of certain camps only and also requires that we run it by them for approval. Since she is a freshman she really only has two summers to attend camps before she even has the ability to be recruited. I am just trying to do what is best for my kiddo and I love this site to be able to congregate amongst others going through the same process.
I love this site to be able to congregate amongst others going through the same process.

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