Parents Communication expectations

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Proud Parent
Nov 11, 2019
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How much/often do you think a coach should be communicating with a parent about their child’s gymnastics and how much/often do you expect to get from your child about what’s going on in the gym? Do your gyms do progress reports and goal setting for skills? I’m just trying to figure out how much as a parent I should know or expect .
We meet in person with our DD's coaches about once a year.

They also have progress reports showing the progress made towards meeting the skill requirements for the next level. I guess that gets sent out two or three times a year but with COVID and gym closures the schedule is in flux.
Our coaches never communicate unless we reach out and ask for a meeting or phone call.
Our coaches never communicate unless we reach out and ask for a meeting or phone call.
We meet in person with our DD's coaches about once a year.

They also have progress reports showing the progress made towards meeting the skill requirements for the next level. I guess that gets sent out two or three times a year but with COVID and gym closures the schedule is in flux.
Do you feel like that is an acceptable amount?
This is going to vary for each gym, and even then, may vary among coaches. That said, our gym is similar to @Oopski. However, the staff is always willing to meet with parents. Personally, I'd like a "progress report" once a year or so, but I haven't pressed the issue.
Our coaches offer an optional private meeting with the parents and gymnast once a year after the competition season ends. But they are available to talk any time if there is something you need to discuss.
We used to rarely have parent coach meetings, but I’ll give credit to our gym and say that they’ve changed for the better. My daughter just finished her season last month and we just met this week to talk about where she is at and what she is working on and would need to get this summer up move to level 10. They said we’d be having another meeting around September and then maybe again right before competition season starts in December if needed. They also send out group texts on occasion. And although I very rarely email, the couple of times I’ve felt the need, they respond quickly. So I’m pretty happy with communication right now.
Not as much as I would like (because I just like talking!) but definitely enough. Progress reports happened during the season and then they will talk to some parents as needed before and during the season. I was VERY pleased with a coach who kept me in the loop during a mental block for a few weeks. It was so helpful to know she was so understanding.
Typically in late May we get summer placements with a list of skills they need to actually compete that level (and checkmarks next to what they have). This year's placement email basically just said the level. (Insufficient in my opinion.)

In the early fall, the girls work through goal sheets of what they are working to put in their routines. They bring them home, and can obviously share with us - so that would be gymnast to parent communication as opposed to from the coaches.

In various years we have been promised an annual in person conference. This has never materialized. I think that's unacceptable. That being said, they are always willing to meet with us if we request it (but in my opinion that is different). At a bare minimum, I would expect an annual in person for the upper level optionals to be discussing ultimate goals (i.e. wanting college or not). Our gym, unfortunately, does not have great proactive communication and it is a complaint of many parents.
We don't have any set schedule to give updates about the gymnast etc. I think it would be nice if they did but realistically they have 120-200 kids on team (if you include excel) and its like 5 coaches for JO and 3 for Excel. I can see that being A LOT of work to send out individual updates/plans for each kid especally on top of all the hours they have to actually be coaching. That being said they will always schedule a meeting if needed. I talk to my kid about her progress and I schedule meetings or text the coach if I think there is an issue that needs us all involved to resolve. This has always worked well for us.

The Rec teams have a program to track skills and give updates to parents which I think is cool. But I think those coaches only meet with the parents if the kid is ready to move to a new rec class.
We’ve had experiences all over the map- from perhaps over communication to none at all. Both extremes aren’t healthy imo. I think the right amount *for us* is to hear about any issues in a timely manner and the plans to handle them, and to hear about any level changes and new obligations well before the season. My daughter once had two uniforms and two meet schedules because the HC wouldn’t decide her level until the week of the first meet. It was ridiculous and stressful and really pointless. For rec gymnasts a quick skills/level check at the end of each sessions seems both common and appropriate.
Our coaches never communicate unless we reach out and ask for a meeting or phone call.
Which means the parents who are patient and mindful of the coaches' time never get communication. And the over-involved squeaky wheels become very connected and become the insider parents of the gym. At some gyms, you have to compete or you are invisible, and the competition amongst the parents is more heated and toxic than the competition amongst the kids by a mile. And don't even get me started on booster clubs.
Do you feel like that is an acceptable amount?
Yes, I feel it's unhealthy to constantly be evaluating and monitoring progression, but do want the occasional update on what to expect in the next season or what they are working on in the summer upskill season.

Especially when the little ones are trying to get challenging skills like their first Kip or ROBHS, the last thing they need is for mom and dad to be asking "When is {suzie} going to get her kip?" "{Suzie} needs her kip to compete level 4"
I wish we had more regular updates, and by regular I mean 1-2x a year. The lack of communication this past year, especially around summer groups and the number of hours has caused a huge amount of stress, gossip, and even a few girls switching gyms. I think better communication on why girls were placed where they are for summer would save them a lot of stress and stop some of the gossip.
ugh communicating about summer groups and hours is always my biggest complaint and biggest issue. This year they changed the "week" off yesterday. Its been published since September that it would be end of July now its middle of August. So glad I spent $200 on a camp that she will now have to miss gym to attend. They "encourage" you to plan vacations and other things around the week off but you change the week off at the last minute? In years past we wouldnt get the "week off" details until June. So how can you plan a vacation or a camp for your kids if you dont know when it is. Also planning child care and other stuff around the "summer schedule" when you get it about 2 weeks before the schedule changes is just a disaster. That is one thing I definitely wish they would improve on.
We have a group parent meeting once a year where they go through all the technical expectations of the level. All routines broken down. We get the mock meet feed back forms. And expectations are set. And we can contact the coaches and have a meeting if we want. We have quick chats throughout the year.

Do I feel it’s enough? Yes we have been at this gym for almost 9 years and my daughter will likely finish her gymnastics here as a senior.

Is it perfect? No. Have we had our moment? Yes.
And it’s come a long way from where we started.

I also recognize that gym coaches/owners don’t take communication classes or certification.

I am also a proactive person. I don’t wait for an update. If I have questions or feel the need for an update I ask.
We get basically zero communication. Once I did email though, because we were concerned, and I got a very prompt reassuring email in response, which was good.

I always tell my husband that the coaches at the gym are there because they love gymnastics, not because they are great at communications or customer service. But man, they could really use a business person on staff to deal with the parents!

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