WAG Communication with the coaches

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My dd started in a newly formed group with a newly qualified coach 3 months ago and I was given hardly any information from the coach apart from time of the class and the price. My oldest dd is in a disability squad and there is communication from the coach after every session even if it is a quick word to say dd has done well or worked on this or that, I dont expect this from youngest dd's coach as the groups are completley different but a little word would be great after 3 months to say how dd is settling into the group and how she is coping and pregressing, maybe I am expecting to much.

These are the things I would like to know:

What is the group working towards
Will they enter any competitions
Will their hours change during School Holidays
Will there be any meeting between parents and coaches to discuss progress
Will they increase the days they train
Who to contact if dd can't make class

Maybe I am expecting to much and there is no real communication except on a need to know basis, but I do feel that I need some answers from the above questions, it is hard to find time to have a chat with dd's coach as the class finishes late and the gym closes for the night after the class finishes and there is not enough time for a chat of that nature and I have now come to realise that if there is an issue then dd's coach would always speak to me (I am at the gym a few other days with older dd for her classes and youngest dd's coach is usually there teaching rec).

Do you think it will be ok to speak to dd's coach about my questions or just leave it and see if there is any communication in the comming weeks / months now dd has been in this group a few months, I have got a feeling by speaking to 2 new starters mums that this new group started a few weeks ago offically and maybe the answers will come soon.
As dunno said, ask. Those aren't the kind of questions that we as coaches/owners have problems with. In fact, there really aren't any questions we have problems with, rather it's how they are asked! ;) I know I'm 'guilty as charged' when it comes to that sometimes (the communicating with the parents). I try my best, but with lots of kids and being responsible for everything, it's usually crazy for me so I don't always do as good of a job as I would like. Having said that, if a parent ever asks to talk, I ALWAYS make time to sit down with them and discuss anything and everything they are concerned about in detail. It's their child, and they have a right to know what is going on. I'll bet that if you ask as nice as you posted, you will be pleasantly surprised. :)
Well from my experience, and your area may be very different, the answers would be :

What is the group working towards - skills
Will they enter any competitions - depends how they progress, we will let you know
Will their hours change during School Holidays - nope but extra sessions may be available
Will there be any meeting between parents and coaches to discuss progress - nope
Will they increase the days they train - not until they move up a class
Who to contact if dd can't make class - the gym reception

But each gym seems to have their own way of working - just ask
Well from my experience, and your area may be very different, the answers would be :

What is the group working towards - skills
Will they enter any competitions - depends how they progress, we will let you know
Will their hours change during School Holidays - nope but extra sessions may be available
Will there be any meeting between parents and coaches to discuss progress - nope
Will they increase the days they train - not until they move up a class
Who to contact if dd can't make class - the gym reception

But each gym seems to have their own way of working - just ask

I suspect that the answer some of the questions would be the same as what you said. It seems a shame if they don't have "Parent Evening" as how else can parents be kept informed of progress unless it is a case of -

If there is a issues or concerns we will let you know.

If there is any change to the schedule or if there are any competitions we will let you know.

I guess I am still getting my head around all the other side of gymnastics and I will make an effort to read the policies board as I would imagind a lot of answers to my questions would be there, I never took the time to read them while dd was in 1 hour a week rec class.
I suspect that the answer some of the questions would be the same as what you said. It seems a shame if they don't have "Parent Evening" as how else can parents be kept informed of progress unless it is a case of -

If there is a issues or concerns we will let you know.

If there is any change to the schedule or if there are any competitions we will let you know.

I guess I am still getting my head around all the other side of gymnastics and I will make an effort to read the policies board as I would imagind a lot of answers to my questions would be there, I never took the time to read them while dd was in 1 hour a week rec class.

either we spend the time with you discussing Suzie (and hundreds of those depending on the program) OR we spend the time out in the gym coaching and keeping the kids safe. that's where we belong. "Parent Evening" is wishful thinking...
As coaches we are busy coaching your kids and pretending to have a 'life' outside of the gym. Its not that we don't want to communicate (well maybe some) its that we don't want to communicate at certain times. Not sure how your club operates, but at our club we encourage parents to speak with the owner when free or email the question through to the coach or office. The coach will then respond via email or a phone the parent if they feel it is necessary. You should also ask the office/coach their preference for communication in the future.
Thanks for the reply's, it is frustrating and would have been easier to got some sort of info pack when dd moved out of Rec, but I can understand that coaches haven't got time for parents evening, I am now learning that if there was a problem with my dd or if they had something to tell me they would speak to me asap.
I know that we hand out a handbook to all preteam and team parents at the beginning of the year (Sept-ish) and hold a parent meeting for each group. The basics that have already been mentioned here are discussed. I try to talk to as many parents as I can or need to each night after practice with some feedback--BUT I only coach 8 girls. I'm also a teacher so parent communication is just something I do regularly. I'll also admit that I enjoy chatting with the parents of the girls. Most of them aren't much older than me, and sometimes I'm just socializing, lol. It helps when I need to bring up an issue (How's the puppy? I loved the pictures! Btw, I noticed Suzie wasn't herself--a little silly, not listening. Maybe the puppy is keeping her up too! No? Oh, ok. --- ** Mom now knows about behavior and later talks to child about behavior at practice...setting groundwork if it continues too)
Our gym (s) both have several parent meetings a year and a yearly re-distribution of the team handbook/explanation for new parents, etc. This is TEAM, mind you. Pre-team and Rec - talk to coach or head coach and be patient!
either we spend the time with you discussing Suzie (and hundreds of those depending on the program) OR we spend the time out in the gym coaching and keeping the kids safe. that's where we belong. "Parent Evening" is wishful thinking...

Inefficient. Spend the one night with the parents answering the questions or spend several nights in individual meetings answering the same questions over and over again. Or on your email. Or answering texts.
At the gym I coach at, we have about 15 minutes between classes. Sometimes there are things we have to be doing such as setting up for the next class, but usually I try to be available for questions after class. I kind of just walk around the waiting area. I will talk to parents but most of the time if things will change, we send out papers, put reminders in the lobby, put it up on our website, etc so there are A LOT of ways to find out if classes are cancelled over break or if the end of the session is coming up, etc. As for competitions and what the class is working towards, it depends on the level. Preschool classes are less about skills and learning how to be in an environment with other kids, once you get to rec classes, there is a certain set of skills they need to move up to the next class. When the session is over, the child moves up if they have completed that set of skills. Otherwise they stay in the same class. In the case of increasing hours/days they train, it doesn't change unless they move up. As for competitions, those don't happen until they hit pre-team.

Also, as a coach, I always am willing to answer questions. If I don't know the answer, I will tell them to call the office and speak with our director or head of the rec program. And, if I don't know, I also ask my boss so that the next time I get asked, I know the answer.

Hope this helps!

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