WAG Competition time..

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My oldest dd has a competition this weekend, she will be competing over 2 days. This will be the second time she has been to this competition, it is a disability one and she will be competing Trampoline tomorrow and Artistic on Sunday (they only compete on Floor, Vault and Beam). This will be my dd's first time competing on the high beam, last year she used a floor beam.
Good luck to her! Hoping she'll have a great time!
Good luck! My dd used to compete artistic and t&t. It's hectic but fun! Is disability competition the same as special Olympics?
Thanks for the good luck messages, Day 1 complete, Gold Medal on trampoline, now back in Hotel room getting ready to go out for a meal. Competition is bigger this year with a team form Norway taking part!.

Day 2 tomorrow, Beam, Vault and Floor.
Brilliant! Congratulations to her for today. Anything tomorrow can only be a bonus. Enjoy :)

Thanks, that is the way I am looking at it, dd has moved up a level and I'll be competing this new level for the first time so not really expecting anything, just that she has fun & doesn't fall of the beam (first time on high beam).
Got back late (after 11pm) last night, it was a great weekend.

Dd got bronze on the high beam and had no falls (first time competing on high beam)

Not sure where she placed for Floor and Vault, dd was struggling to get her squat on during practice and near enough got it when she competed, dd's coach said she lost points on landing as her bum near enough touched the floor, problem is she cannot do much about is as she has tiny legs and when she lands she bends her knees really well and that causes her to land low.

The Artistic competition was different this year, the payed the national anthem after March on, I think that was for the benefit of the Norway team as they didn't do that last year, in Norway underage children are not allowed to compete or accept medals so the called it a performance and give the winners small tokens when they "won"

There was some controversy this year in the girls grouping which unfortunately affected dd's group, this was one girl who is nearly 13 and was competing in the under 12 's group for Artistic and under 16's group for trampolining (there was an under 12 group as dd was in it). I think a lot of clubs were questing why she was allowed to compete in two age groups. Another thing that happened was this same girl scored lower than another competitor and was still given a gold medal on all events, this higher scoring competitors coach wasn't to pleased.

Even though there was some issues it was a great weekend and I was very pleased with how dd behaved and coped with not getting a medal in a couple of events (she stayed smiling through out and hasn't even mentioned anything about is and is still her normal happy self today)
Thanks for the good luck messages, Day 1 complete, Gold Medal on trampoline, now back in Hotel room getting ready to go out for a meal. Competition is bigger this year with a team form Norway taking part!.

Is this the trampoline competition she was worried about a few weeks ago? Sounds like it was a successful experience for her!
That is the one yes, she got gold as she was the only competitor in her age group, the other gymnast didn't turn up. Pleased she got the medal though as it boost her confidence. Dd doesn't do trampolining any more (finished last week) as they gave increased her gymnastics training hours to 6 hours a week (3 x 2 hours). They will do some trampolining as part of her gymnastics training.
she has done really well. Good job on the clean beam routine!
she has done really well. Good job on the clean beam routine!

Thanks dd went first on the beam, I told her it was better that way as she wouldn't see anyone else fall (if they did) while waiting her turn and it wouldn't be on her mind when it was her turn and also if she did a clean routine it would put the pressure on the others.
Good luck! My dd used to compete artistic and t&t. It's hectic but fun! Is disability competition the same as special Olympics?

Sorry only just seen this question..

We had to use Special Olympic Routines , my dd did 10 bounce on trampoline and level 2 on Floor, Vault and Beam. Our gym is hosting a Special Olympics meet next month (the first for our gym).
Sorry only just seen this question..

We had to use Special Olympic Routines , my dd did 10 bounce on trampoline and level 2 on Floor, Vault and Beam. Our gym is hosting a Special Olympics meet next month (the first for our gym).

Congrats to your dd!

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