WAG Competition times

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Apr 12, 2017
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Out of curiosity...

What is your/your gymmie her favorite time and day to compete?

What is your/your gymmie her least favorite time and day to compete?
My DDs favorite time to compete is 3pm ish. Her least favorite time is before 10am. There is no care given to day of the week at all.
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We like Saturday mornings with check in around 10. That way we don’t have to wake up super early. We hate Sunday late evenings. Makes for a very late night Sunday night before starting the week and my daughter feels like the whole weekend is spent thinking about and stressing over the meet, lol! Friday’s are nice but then we have to miss school and work which can be difficult.
I like the early morning meets Saturday or Sunday (as long as we don't have over an hour drive to get there). I hate Sunday evening.
YG does NOT like 8am report times. She also doesn't like 530pm or later report time.
Our meet tomorrow has her with a 1:00 report time (3rd session of the day). It is over 2.5 hours away. She is happy she can sleep in until 9:30am.
Of course, I have to be there at 8am for the first session, so I have to get up at 5am.
My daughter seems to like early or mid afternoon. She doesn't like early morning. We haven't had a real late one yet.
My DD prefers like 9 or 10am. That way she generally doesn't have to wake up crazy early, and doesn't have to sit around and wait all day. :)
My dd likes anything mid morning to early afternoon. She does not do well with evenings or early mornings. This year, 90% of her meets have a 7:45 am report time. We went through this at level 4, and now everyone seems to have put level 6 at this time.
Mine likes 2nd/3rd sessons, so 10ish to 12/1ish start time. Not so early we're up at 5am, but not later into the day when she starts to fade. She HATES anything after around 4.
Favourite is first thing in the morning as long as we don’t have over an hour commute, least favourite is late afternoon/early evening as she can’t think about anything else all day so she’s quite mentally drained by the time of the actual competition.
Noon is perfect! Puma Jr is not a morning person, but doesn’t like waiting around all day either. And selfishly, noon gives me time for more hair options. LOL!
2nd session Saturday or Sunday for local meets is our favorite.

Dd hates missing school for Friday meets and I hate the disruption Friday meets for my work schedule.

Dd does not like the last session of the day, especially if it is a bigger meet and the last session starts in the early evening. Too late and too tired by that point.
Midday is nice. (12-1:00 start time). I like that they can sleep and eat a normal breakfast and lunch. I don't like the 10 am or 3 pm start times. My DD needs a consistent stream of food in her. We try to make sure she has snacks to give her enough energy until the meet is over but she just really needs more than she can shove in her mouth during a rotation. She might just be a strange one. Most kids' performance seems to be linked more with sleep and mine is keeping that blood sugar at a consistent level.
10 on Saturday, preferably not too far away. She doesn't have to get up first thing in the morning, but gets it out of the way and doesn't have to spend the entire day thinking about it and getting anxious.

The worst - end of day Sunday. Because you do have the whole weekend to wallow in it and because it messes up the week.

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