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Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
We have our first meet of the season today for our levels 4-6. Eeek!! :eek: I swear I get more nervous as a coach than I ever did as a gymnast. :D
Best of luck Coach! I'm sure everything will go wonderfully Enjoy the day!
Sendng you lots of winning karma. It sure came around fast this year!
We have our first meet of the season today for our levels 4-6. Eeek!! :eek: I swear I get more nervous as a coach than I ever did as a gymnast. :D

Wow that's early.

I hear you on the nerves LOL.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes.
Thank you! The girls did great. I'm so proud of them! The Achievement kids (levels 4-6) all had a successful meet and the Placements rocked it! My 3 Placement level 4's were 1,2, and 3 AA and 1st in team and my two Placement level 5's both got three 1st places and one 2nd place on events and 1st AA in their age group. Whew! I now have 3 more level 4's, 3 more level 5's, and 1 level 6 moving into placement to join them. One down, countless more to go....

Yes, the compulsories do start pretty early in Texas. We have state in November/December (depending on the level) so we usually start competing at the end of August.
You folks really start the season early!
Exactly what I'm thinking. Our competition season is 3 months away for optionals and 3.5 to 4 months away for compulsories. The coaches and owners are still trying to come up with the competition schedule and the team roster for who does what.
Congrats to them!! You guys do places for levels 4 & 5 too? Here in MN--they can't even flash scores for level 4 and level 5 are achievement awards only-- no places.
Wow, your girls did great! Interesting this stuff about achievement and placement. Wish we had that here. DD would have been better for achievement last season. I think not flashing scores would be great, too, at least at level 4. Love to see how different gymnastics is in different states under the same USAG program.
Congrats on the awesome meet results!! Shows how all your hard work and dedication to your team really pays off!
Congrats to them!! You guys do places for levels 4 & 5 too? Here in MN--they can't even flash scores for level 4 and level 5 are achievement awards only-- no places.

Yes, we have the option to send each child either Achievement or Placement. Either way, the scores are flashed, but in Achievement they all come away with ribbons for each event (different colors based on the score range) and a medal for AA. In Placement they are divided between age groups and ranked by score for each event, so they have to earn their medals.

gymluvr33- We get nervous because we want our girls to be successful. We can only do so much in training them and teaching them, but when it comes to a meet, it's up to them to pull it off and we want so badly for them to do it. What makes it worse is that unlike for the gymnast, it's not just one routine on each event, it's over and over and over until all your girls have gone. :rolleyes:

Thank you for all the kind words. It's all worth it to see them walk away with such big smiles on their faces. It is nice to see all of our hard work paying off.
gymluvr33- We get nervous because we want our girls to be successful. We can only do so much in training them and teaching them, but when it comes to a meet, it's up to them to pull it off and we want so badly for them to do it. What makes it worse is that unlike for the gymnast, it's not just one routine on each event, it's over and over and over until all your girls have gone. :rolleyes:

Oh, I never really thought about the seeing it over and over part. I'm always the gymnast who is REALLY nervous, even when it is just a "fun" meet (aka don't have to qualify for anything), so it is kind of hard for me to imagine getting more nervous than I am at meets now. Sorry if my question seemed rude or anything. Thanks.
Sorry if my question seemed rude or anything. Thanks.

No, not at all. I never would have imagined as a gymnast that the coach could get as nervous as me. As a gymnast, you don't really think about it like that. Now I have pity on my dad since he was my head coach when I was younger. Being a coach or a parent is hard enough on your nerves, but I couldn't imagine being both at the same time! :eek:

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