Competitions on Sundays?

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Proud Parent
Oct 13, 2008
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I was just looking at the meet schdule (since HC tikd me today that they will have dd compete this seasin) and I noticed that all the meets are two days, over weekends. So I'm wondering how that works? Are they there all day both days? A couple of hours one day? What? We've always been pretty strict about Sabbath day observence and while I don't want to force dd not to participate in a sport she loves, I also don't feel comfortable with her missing church frequently to compete. I would be happy to take her to a local service if we were away; I just wondered how the scheduling goes with reference to the amount of time the girls actually spend at the meet.

Yeah, I'm pretty clueless.:p
My experience with meets that run over two days on a calendar is that some levels compete on one day and some on the next, and it just depends on how the club that's organising it decides to schedule it. Most competitions that I've been to last about 3 hours, and might have two to three sessions per day, depending on the number of gymnasts and grades etc. Hope this helps :).
Exactly. You won't neccesarily compete on Sunday every time. If possible, is there a Saturday evening service you would attend? My friend is Catholic, and when she has volleyball matches on Sundays, her and her family go to church the night before.
Usually the gym will post the weekend they are hosting a meet. Once they get all the entrance fees and know how many gymmies they will have at each level and age they will write out a schedule of what levels go at what time on what day.

So far this year DD has had 2 Sat and 2 Sunday meets.

Bad thing is they usually don't post the detailed list until a week before the meet (at least around here !!) so until then you are just clueless. :)
I would imagine, if it's the same as around here, that you only compete either on Sat or Sun but not both. Meets usually takes about 4-5hrs (includes awards) again depending on the # of gymies competing. The days of competition though do turn out to be full day events(travel,food, watching it again on tape, HEHE). but you will get hooked and want to keep coming back for more, good luck with the addiction.

We struggled as well not being able to attend mass/service but we have lit candles and even had HP(Head Priest/Father) bless her prior to meets. Saturday service is another option.
I agree above you ussually only have to be there for your session then you can go. I have parents that look up a church everywhere we go and do thier services there. They always seem to make it work. I hate the meets that are on fridays though because we are so far from everyone else that my kiddos have to miss school to go. UGGG
Don't get too freaked out because meets are originally scheduled for Sat/Sun or even Fri/Sat/Sun. Some meets end up being one day only and thats usually Sat. Some will do 1 session on Fri night and then the rest on Sat. As others have mentioned you won't really know until up until the week of the meet in many cases. If your dd is scheduled to compete on Sat. am, then you are free to go once her session is over altough alot of the girls like to stay and watch other teams from their gym compete, but thats totally up to you.

Many have mentioned options as far as attending church on a Sat. pm or finding a service near the meet. I would speak with your coach about this----there maybe other parents with the same concerns.
We just had a Sunday meet and another one coming up. It seems very common here with most of the meets I have seen scheduled. For the last one, we had to be there by 10:50am for check in and we were there until 3:30 (meet and then awards ceremony). The next one, she will have to be there at 8am and will be done at around 1pm.

I think it depends on how many gymnasts there are and how long the sessions are.
Thanks for the answers. Good to know it's not all day both days. I guess I'll talk to the coaches, see how the schedule goes and take it from there.

I can't imagine that tons of girls would be competing, either. North Dakota isn't all that populated.:p
Thanks for the answers. Good to know it's not all day both days. I guess I'll talk to the coaches, see how the schedule goes and take it from there.

These meets are divided into sessions. Knowing which session you are in is usually the big question up until the last week or days leading into the meet. Your coach won't know until he is informed by the meet director. At that time, he will inform everyone. If you have a busy schedule like we do, this can get very frustrating, but no amount of asking will get you an exact answer any sooner. If your dd is in one of the lower levels (L4, 3 or 2), you will *hopefully* have an early morning or afternoon session on Sat or Sunday.
Thanks for the answers. Good to know it's not all day both days. I guess I'll talk to the coaches, see how the schedule goes and take it from there.

I can't imagine that tons of girls would be competing, either. North Dakota isn't all that populated.:p

Where are you stationed---Minot or Grand Forks?? Yup, I was active duty AF and dh and I spent 4 great years in Grand Forks
I do know of one little girl who just will not compete on Sundays. She's worked her way up the levels without ever competing on a Sunday.

At State Meet one year, her age group was scheduled for Sunday. USAG allowed her to compete with a Saturday age group, but put her scores in with her age group. She won some awards that her teammates took back to her.

Personally, my daughter has rarely had a Sunday morning session. (I really felt bad for her teammates that had a 8 a.m. meet time on the Sunday morning we did the "spring forward" time change!)
I can't imagine that tons of girls would be competing, either. North Dakota isn't all that populated.:p

I do know a couple MN gyms that go to Grand Forks and Fargo to compete for that reason. It is closer to drive to ND than it is to Minneapolis. They also have the luxury of a smaller meet and better scores (From what I have heard)

Good luck! I hope that the schedule works out for you and your DD.
Where are you stationed---Minot or Grand Forks?? Yup, I was active duty AF and dh and I spent 4 great years in Grand Forks

Grand Forks. Hey, it's not so bad. After all, there's so much to do here, especially during the winter!!

OK, not so much but it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. We've been here 2 1/2 yrs now and while I'm dreading another winter, the summers are really quite nice. They've also built new housing on base in the last few years that is fabulous!! Which I'm sure helps us.

I guess it makes sense that gyms would come here to compete. I know ours goes to at least one competition in Minnesota, but not for the L4s.

Well, I guess we'll just see what happens as far as the Sunday thing goes... Thanks for all the input. I really appreciate it!

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